
Sunday, November 19, 2023

"The X-Men's Enemies Are Turning Cyclops Into A Martyr (again)"


If the thing doesn't work the first five times it's tried, it could be time to admit the one you're setting up as a martyr has no real fans who'd mourn its (pardon me: ITS) passing. Cyclops? 

His superpower is to SEE RED at you, destroying all in line with his big bad male gaze. If ever there was a way-too-hetero mutant on overcompensation mode (and therefore, pretty unfit for the martyr post), it's Scott Freaking Summers, and no amount of "savior DNA" left contaminated all over the place by an adoring "Mr Sinister" is going to eclipse how dumb Summers's powerset was in the first place, please. 

He's considered one of the X-Men's iconic leaders. I say, red flag that ass and put the whole review team in the booth, because when did a decision of his ever live up to his soi disant "tactical genius on Phoenix mode" rep...? 



Cyclops can go check his nearest mirror and martyr himself any time he wants to, given the right equipment upgrade. Get his brother, Havoc. 

Now that man's a catastrophic tragic figure waiting to happen onscreen, if you ask me. He doesn't just look bad, he is bad. BADASS FORCE WAVE on point and on cue! 

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