Decision Time! Where Do You Stand?

It's election season again and as usual, the rhetoric is flying thick, fast, and dull. I thought I'd take this opportunity to size up and whittle down some of the more provocative measures on the ballot, for those of you voting at home. LOOK INTO IT! DECIDE!! Vote.

Some of this election season's more contentious ballot measures include:

* THE BAN ON "ASSAULT DOGS" - This idea for a ban on "Assault Dogs" obviously has a great deal of deep-seated broad-based knee-jerk popular support. But I don't think they have a winner this time around. The measure as written is simply too ill-defined. They left the language open to too many cans of worms. Why risk all that inevitable room for misinterpretation, when what we really need is a better measure with more clarity on it? I'd take a pass on this one, and propose in its place a ban on all dogs.

* SAVE OUR SCHOOLS AND LIBRARYS ACT - I'm not kidding. That's actually how they're spelling it on the ballot! This measure deserves to go down on that basis alone. That's pathetic.

* THE LOCALLY-ENDANGERED SPECIES ACT - I sympathize with what they're trying to do here, but I think we should just stick with the federal list. We simply can't support the additional bureaucratic infrastructure that this would require if we really wanted to do the job right. Plus, the way it's written could conceivably confer "locally-endangered" status on random exotic creatures that are just passing through the County! As part of a travelling circus for example. No good.

* REDUNDANT LEGISLATION CONSOLIDATION ACT - This was already passed in '78, but never put into action. It's still right there on the books, if they really want to start enforcing it. There's no reason to pass it twice.

* SUPPORT THE LOCAL ECONOMY REFERENDUM - This well-intentioned but poorly-drafted measure is just too vague for me to even comment on the specifics. If they had bothered to include any specifics, maybe I could comment on them. As it is, it's just sort of a rah-rah let's-do-it statement that means nothing, and doesn't deserve to pass.

But don't take my word for it. Look into the issues themselves! Learn both sides of everything. Make the issues your own. Own them. Then you'll be in a position to decide what's best for all of us! And then, when you feel that confidence that comes from really boning up on the nitty-gritty of it all...get out there and vote.

Remember, if you don't vote...that's like you're just voting for whoever wins.



blue said…
Thanks for writing this, because when I was watching TV the other night, I saw what seemed to be an elections-results frame around the show. I was confused, because I thought elections were in November. I was also annoyed, because I don't recall getting a ballot. (I still don't.) But this reminded me to check the date of the voting, and it looks like the election is in November, as usual. This probably explains why the "vote for me!"/"no, vote for ME!" commercials are still running.
I'm glad, because there are some important initiatives this year.
dogimo said…
You're welcome!

The public service that this blog can provide has barely scratched the surface, as far as I'm concerned. Look for even more useful viewpoints on other blogs!
blue said…
Aw heck, I don't want the more useful viewpoints! I come up with those on my own, and if anybody tries to give me one, I sock 'em good, buddy boy. I just need prompts, reminders, and points to ponder.