Do You Feel Lucky?

(and feel free to comment! My older posts are certainly no less relevant to the burning concerns of the day.)

Saturday, May 08, 2010

We Break Easy

I was just loving the video for New Order's "Crystal", and was about to post it on my blog, but I was suddenly gripped by the irrational fear of doing so.

I get these ridiculously-specific 1-time phobias, what the hell.

If I ever get over it, I'll post it up.

Meanwhile, here's their video for "Regret." The audio is disabled, so it's just a bit of silent-era dadaesque Hasselhoffian MTV Beach Party surrealism!



dogimo said...

No matter how many more adjectives you shoehorn in between them, "dadaesque surrealism" is still pretty damn redundant.

C said...

Hm, the volume on my computer is working but couldnt hear anything on this. Sorry.

dogimo said...

Hi, C! Yes, the audio on this was disabled by You-Tube over some copyright issue.

But I decided to post it anyway, because it's so delightfully odd. I almost found the silence increased the bizarro factor of watching our beloved heroes rocking out, ignored by a throng of beachgoing hedonists. With Dave Hasselhoff there to watch over them all!

I couldn't not post it.

There doesn't appear to be a version of the real video with sound, but here's version that's basically the audio with no video (just static photos) -

JMH said...

Do you think that there's a universal sound, musically, that everyone, I mean every single human, likes? Is it silence?

dogimo said...

@JMH: I think there is not.