Do You Feel Lucky?

(and feel free to comment! My older posts are certainly no less relevant to the burning concerns of the day.)

Wednesday, October 25, 2006

Daylight Savings My Ass!

Well, here it is again. That time of year when we all have to switch all our clocks up. Go through the whole stupid house, locating all the clocks and putting them all back an hour. Probably waste half an hour doing it! And of course, Arizona gets a chance to lord their superiority over the rest of us lemmings, since their clocks will already be set back. Why? Because they never Sprang them forward in the first place! And why should they have? Why should any of us have? Who says the time has to change? What is the justification for it! Is there any justification that still holds water here and now, in this 21st century age, in which we live?

I heard it originally had something to do with farmers. Screw them, they have roosters, don't they? Why should they get to mess up all of our clocks? The sun comes up on time! Doesn't it?!

I say we don't "Fall Back." I say we stay on whatever time this is, forever. No "Springing Forward," "Falling Back," forth, back, forth every six months. Just stay on 1-hour-later time. Make that the standard. We already know it works fine for the summer. For the it really so important to people that the sky be pitch black by 6pm? Can't we just leave it how it is? So what, the schoolkids have to go to the bus stop in the dark. Boo-hoo! It beats being a farmer!

And tell Arizona to get with the fucking program already.

1 comment:

Magna said...

I say you stand up against The Man and refuse to set your clock back. You can bet I will be standing behind you.*

*In my warm house, watching you shiver as you wait for the bus.