Uh Oh Look Out!

I'm flying by the seat of my pants here. I don't even know what this post is about or what it's going to be about. I'm just going to type the sweet stream of consciousness!

I've never done this before. Feels a little sexy. In some way. Sexy and dangerous, because I'm not going to go back and take anything out! I might fix a spelling error - but no self-imposed (or otherwise) censorship! I won't even fix awkward sentence structure. Just spelling.

So that means, if I type something ill-advised, or perhaps just less-than-well-advised, or advisorily-challenged (no one really does those "P.C. euphemisms" anymore, was it only ever a fad or did people actually realize how stupid it was?).

Shit. I ended that sentence after the parentheses, even though there was more to come. This isn't working out too well so far. I'm not sure I'm too comfortable with this mode of expression. Well, we're committed now! ONWARD!

I'm nothing if not true to my commitments.

Okay, so what's this post going to be about? I must have a score or more, several score probably, of little "stubs" of post ideas to expand upon - but this post isn't about any of those! This post is about the power of the now, the whole gliding-into-and-out-of-the-moment-simultaneously-before-you-so-much-as-realize-it-ness of being present in the mind of who I am as I type this.

I can type pretty fast! Sweet.

This is getting a little long. Maybe I've reached a good stopping point. But what do I call it?? Wait, never mind, I already put "Uh Oh Look Out!" in the Title box.

Seems kind of overkill at this point, but so be it.


dogimo said…
That was an experiment that failed as totally as any other on this blog.

But by the same token, it was also roughly about as successful as any of the other posts, I guess.

Such a slim margin of excellence I work within.
Magna said…
Nice typing.