Accuracy of Internet Porn Search Called Into Question

I undertook this purely from a standpoint of sociological investigation, and the results were provocative to say the least:
(NOTE: when you search, you have to use the quotation marks because you're after that specific phrase - not just pages that have those words randomly placed near some unrelated picture)

Google images search for "perfect ass": 65,700 results.

Google images search for "imperfect ass": 26 results.

research purposes only, Safe Search has been set to 'off')
These results strike me as a likely gross distortion of how real-world asses break down proportionally, perfect versus imperfect.

I didn't investigate further. It seemed like it could take a turn for the prurient. Besides, at first blush, the figures already do a pretty good job of supporting my vague contention. So I'll leave it to others to pick up where my groundbreaking investigatory work leaves off.

As is my wont.


Anonymous said…
i have seen the perfect ass, and it belongs to Tom Hardy.

He has displayed it a few times in film. well worth watching.

oh, did you mean female? i have no leads there, sorry.

dogimo said…
>oh, did you mean female?
Not at all! The search was entirely non-gender-specific. Science doesn't care!
dogimo said…
Aidan Trent has left a new comment on your post "Accuracy of Internet Porn Search Called Into Quest...":

Ah, you'd probably have better luck with dedicated porn search engines. Something like should do the trick.
dogimo said…
Thanks Aidan! I seem to have killed your actual comment during the submission process with my fumbling, but I've restored the main crux of the content I do believe and hope!