Creative Anachronism, Indeed.

Ever notice how all those folks at a Renaissance Faire always show up dressed for medieval times and not the Renaissance? It's all knights and ladies. Nobody shows up dressed as Copernicus. Or Leonardo Da Vinci.

Maybe they will now, though. What with that whole Dan Brown thing.


Magna said…
Knights and ladies indeed. If they were being accurate, 98% of them would show up in shackles and rags, or else in the filthy smocks and other garments of yeomen, farmers, artisans, housewives, innkeepers, and clerics. Most of them would have rotting teeth, skin diseases, fleas or lice, and some kind of disfigurement. And everyone, knights and ladies included, would be grimy and stinky. Now that would be a Renaissance faire!
Magna said…
Knights and ladies indeed. If they were being accurate, 98% of them would show up in shackles and rags, or else in the filthy smocks and other garments of yeomen, farmers, artisans, housewives, innkeepers, and clerics. Most of them would have rotting teeth, skin diseases, fleas or lice, and some kind of disfigurement. And everyone, knights and ladies included, would be grimy and stinky. Now that would be a Renaissance faire!
Sean Scully said…
I am never-endingly amazed at how many fairies, pirates, and punked-out Goth Kids there seem to have been in the Renaissance.