Present Tension

Gerrath: "The history of the future begins now!"

Psyquo: "When you said that, you were already in the past."

When you think about it, none of us are in the present. None of us will ever experience Now. We are all living just a little bit in the past. This is because all of our sensory input takes just the tiniest bit of time to make its way into our eyes, ears, skins, tongues, and nostrils, and then the sensed impulses take just the tiniest bit of time to travel the nerves to the brain, and then the brain takes just the tiniest bit of time to assemble that input and process it into cognition.

As a result of that tiny lag, we will always be forever a sliver of a tick behind the present. What we think is now, is actually the past.

Embrace the Then.
