Do You Feel Lucky?

(and feel free to comment! My older posts are certainly no less relevant to the burning concerns of the day.)

Saturday, May 10, 2008

Non-Specific Rant

These unspecified mutha thumpas really cheese me off! Them and those damned actions and statements of theirs! Clearly calculated to annoy. If they were right here right now I would threaten unspecified action against them - leaving the implication hanging out there that such action might even be violent or at least, threatening! Then I would toss around such insults as "You jerk!", "Your intelligence is insufficient to the task appointed to you by cruel Fate!" and "Pick on your own damn size for a change!" Or perhaps, "your face looks like something ugly that somebody left behind!"

Now, if anyone here might have taken offense, or if certain things that were said in the above rant were taken personally, well, that just goes to show what you know.

Whew! Man that feels good. To get that out of my system!

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