Do You Feel Lucky?

(and feel free to comment! My older posts are certainly no less relevant to the burning concerns of the day.)

Saturday, June 21, 2008

Tina Fey Is Hot Pt. 3

I'm seriously considering changing the whole focus of this blog to make it like a, Tina Fey fan blog. You know! With pictures of her. Looking luminous.

But then I start to wonder about copyright issues. I mean, somebody owns those photos, right? I'm not a paparazzi, but I'm guessing the usual rules apply. But I'm also no copyright attorney, so I'm thinking there might be some flexibility in the rules. Ignorance of the law is an excuse, isn't it?

I mean, supposing I collage four or more of these images together into a montage (or indeed, a collage), isn't that enough of a personal artistic contribution and/or satiric comment upon the original material to assuage the very valid, very legitimate copyright issues? Sure. It must be.

I'm willing to give it a shot anyway. I can't not! Therefore, I hereby present my ardent fan collage in fawning tribute to Tina Fey, to be considered for legal purposes solely as all of the following things: 1) a First Amendment Protected commentary/critique on the original photos by means of context and juxtaposition, 2) a means to satire on the framework and restrictions of copyright law itself, 3) a criticism of the sexualization of even our most brainy and gifted high-class chicks, 4) a celebration of said sexualization, insofar as it may merely be recognizing the intense sexuality already possessed by said babes, and 5) a meditation on the nature and purpose of celebrity image-making in a world that prizes blah blah blah over yi yi yi.

I think I'm covered. OK, no further ado then:
luminous...she's luminous
Note the context and juxtaposition. Good stuff, there. Art for art's sake.

Or Art's. Oh yeah. I'd say Tina gets the capital "A".


Ekerplay said...

Hi, I just stumbled on your blog & I have to say I would be in full support of a blog celebrating Tina Fey's greatness. I love her!!
Bisous and good luck with your blog :)

dogimo said...

Thanks Ekerplay! I checked your blog out and I love the easy-on-the-eyes design, the clean lines, the bold yellows in the banner, and especially something about the lo-bit graphics avatar/portrait, which took me back to Apple II.

I love nice clean design.

I was obsessed with trying to figure out how to make this one look like ancient green computer blocky font, but finally I gave up. What's left doesn't even evoke what I was after, but I've grown to like it.