Do You Feel Lucky?

(and feel free to comment! My older posts are certainly no less relevant to the burning concerns of the day.)

Saturday, October 18, 2008

Open Dream Journal #39: The '08 Race Hots Up!

So anyway I had a very vivid SEXUAL dream last night. I was watching Obama commercials and eating from a bag of Obama chips, drinking a tall cool glass of Obama pop with a lotta ice, when all of a sudden in busted in TINA FEY in her Sarah Palin getup, and she was all one-track mind to win over my electoral fidelity! if you know what I mean, and then you can just about IMAGINE what happened next!!

Oh okay, I lied. It wasn't a sexual dream at all. Tina focused strongly on the issues in her presentation. She sat herself down on my dream couch and talked passionately about it for hours. But if I hadn't said it was a very vivid SEXUAL dream - if I'd said it was a very vivid POLITICAL dream - who wants to read that??

Truth is, I lied about the whole dream. I mean, it's possible I didn't lie about it. I don't really remember what I dreamed, last night. I mean, I feel like when I got up, that this was probably the sort of dream that I would have wanted to have had. And since I didn't quite remember whatever I did dream, hey, maybe that's exactly what happened! A man can dream, can't he?

My apologies are once again due to Tina Fey, for whom I really do have the highest respect and esteem. She's more than just an incredibly sexy woman to me. She's a national treasure trove of truth, smarts, and humor; an exquisite beacon of sass and humanity, yet with a satiny blanket of evident humility lying clingingly over it all that's oh! so refreshing. She's also an inspiration to people everywhere who know how to make glasses sexy. And if I ever did actually have, if I ever was privileged enough to participate with her in a sexy dream of any sort, well who's to blame there? Nobody, in that situation! And I would be as tender and gentle as anything with her, and I would absolutely not tell anybody anything about it.

I'm really not that kind of guy, Tina. That sort of a dream is a precious thing between just the two people involved!

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