Do You Feel Lucky?

(and feel free to comment! My older posts are certainly no less relevant to the burning concerns of the day.)

Tuesday, November 04, 2008

Election Day: Solemn Insights, Rigorous Self-Examination

Well, I sure started this morning right. I've got a lapful of coffee and a bellyful of the democratic process!

I've got to tell you, it's a sweet deal for democracy when a dude like me gets to have his say! What with all my dramatic insights into the process, and my solid grounding in the particulars, my voice counts for more than most I would say. With the exception of the fact that on this day at least, everybody's voice gets to count the same.

Except for the people counting the votes of course! Their voice counts too, but for them it's more their fingers than their voice that counts. Naturally, some of those might be electronic fingers, in this day and age. Why count by hand when a robot will do? And why shouldn't the robot have a voice in the process as well! One voice, one vote - that's what I say! That's the democratic process, going all the way back, back to the very dawn of it all, back long ago. Back to the time of the great Galactic Republic. Before the dark days.

Before the Empire.

Anyhow. I did all my research last night, into all the various candidates and propositions - even scrutinizing the actual text of the propositions in certain cases where it was a close call - and I have to say, I like my chances in the office Election pool!

We'll see what happens. I'm feeling pretty optimistic.

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