The Federal Budget: An In-Depth Analysis, with Recommendations

Have you SEEN the Federal Budget? It's ridiculous! It's enormous. Gigantic. Written thick with gibberish. Plus, what about the tax code? Same thing! Those things are impossible to read! They make them too big and thick, so the little guy can't see what's going on.

I think it's deliberate, and that needs to change. There should be a law that it can't be all complicated. It should be a simple 1 page document in plain English that says what's-what, and as far as the details, if details are needed then just make it be interpreted according to common sense and decency!

Another idea I had is that if they need me to sit in a big chair and deliberate specific cases brought to me by petitioners, then the petitioners should be sent in in a certain fixed order by ticket number, and every 10th one through the door gets the noose. Nobody in the line outside the door knows where they stand as far as being the 10th, but they know they stand a 1-in-ten chance of snuffing it. That ought to cut down on petitioners.

Note: the petitioners would be forced to sit in the lobby and wait for their number to be called - no standing in line! And not every number would correspond to a ticket, so there'd be no real way to figure where you were in the order.

I think that the first one through the door in the morning would also be arbitrarily designated as anywhere from 1st-10th on a random basis, and proceed from there. That way everybody gets a chance.
