Even the most rank, close-minded atheist has to concede that it is far better for one to enter joyfully into paradise shouting halleloo, than it would be to have one's flesh torn with hooks and one's poor body thrown, screaming, into a fiery pit!! What fool would dispute the clear truth of that?
Yet...the atheist, unimpressed, crosses arms across a self-hardened heart and blames God. Blames God, for not existing. I ask you - how does that make sense? What kind of "rational mind" embraces that sort of contradictory thinking?
Atheists, I beg of you all: for the love of God - consider the good sense of these arguments, and repent! Repent! REPENT!
I understand that for some of you atheists, the word "repent" might carry some bad, baggage-like associations of say, sheep-minded conformity, or cowering kow-towing to unimaginable powers. Fine! Call it something else, then. Just so's you do it - that's the main thing.
Jesus. You atheists and your semantics.
Yet...the atheist, unimpressed, crosses arms across a self-hardened heart and blames God. Blames God, for not existing. I ask you - how does that make sense? What kind of "rational mind" embraces that sort of contradictory thinking?
Atheists, I beg of you all: for the love of God - consider the good sense of these arguments, and repent! Repent! REPENT!
I understand that for some of you atheists, the word "repent" might carry some bad, baggage-like associations of say, sheep-minded conformity, or cowering kow-towing to unimaginable powers. Fine! Call it something else, then. Just so's you do it - that's the main thing.
Jesus. You atheists and your semantics.