Do You Feel Lucky?

(and feel free to comment! My older posts are certainly no less relevant to the burning concerns of the day.)

Thursday, April 02, 2009

The Tough Topics #8: An Argument in Favor of Intelligent Design

I'm not sure whether we're done evolving. I fear we may be. We may have taken ourselves out of the race, natural-selection-wise.

For bad eyes we have corrective lenses or surgery, for bad teeth we have orthodontia, for inherited genetic conditions we have treatments to ameliorate the disadvantage as much as possible. Not saying that the march of medical science is bad thing of course - but without advocating eugenics, we can make the observation that medicine does tend to forestall some of the ol' "weeding-out" that is one of the main engines of natural selection.

At some point, science fans hope that we'll be able to reach into the genes and harmlessly tinker away the bad without undue negative side-effects. This scares some people. To some extent it scares religious folk more than others, but hear this:

We are told that we were created in God's image.

Are we not?

If we are created in God's image, I don't think that means God is a gendered biped, with body hair and a kind face. It means that unlike all other animals, we were created creators. We were imbued with the capacity to learn and to progress, to unlock and understand the most fundamental workings of creation itself.

With that comes a great responsibility, but one that I think we were meant to bear. Let's not shirk our God-given burden, our gift, our task. To play God is our highest calling!

God knows, that's the only game in the universe worth playing.

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