Do You Feel Lucky?

(and feel free to comment! My older posts are certainly no less relevant to the burning concerns of the day.)

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Unique Is Not Normal

Listen, I'm not a FOOL, okay? I've read the party line. I know how many people are unique: it's ALL OF THEM. And I'm on board with that charming little paradox.

But I'm not blind, either. And it seems pretty plain to see to me that people all pretty much fall into two categories: those who cherish and burnish their uniqueness yet do everything they can to fit in, those who consider themselves normal and raise hackles at any suggestion to the contrary, those who truly don't give a shit and basically do what they please, and those who count how many categories instead of just saying "fuck it" and keep reading.

And me, you ask? Well, I'm kind of a special case. I'm the best combination of all those worlds. 

Except for the unique part. I don't really consider myself unique. Unique isn't normal.

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