This one, hey. I've not been a dutiful fan of these dudes by any means, but this song has one of the great goddamighty choruses doesn't it, huh?
I'd like to also pause here and record a few thoughts, to do with the present-day situation for a lot of people. People who, without realizing it, without wanting it, without even realizing it sometimes, find themselves in a situation not of their devising - a situation that they then find they can't get out of. Or at least, not easily. These people aren't alone, but they don't realize they're not. To them it seems they are very alone.
That's all I can say about it, without some more specifics to go on. Their whole dilemma seems a little vague to me - at least, as I've laid it out - and I'm not sure it's really going to get any clearer unless someone else can come along and help me out by supplying at least a few hard facts. As it stands, who are these people, and precisely what is their situation? It would be irresponsible of me to speculate further, knowing as little as we now do. I've done my best to open a channel. From here, I leave it to others to complete my merciful work.
Still. If they are reading this, if any of the people I've described above are reading this, they can take heart a bit, and enjoy this video by the Thompson Twins.
There Are Those Who Care. Never doubt that.
I do enjoy the Thompson Twins, though. Second-ever concert, with Berlin opening. So I guess that will have to do for now, along with knowing there are Those Who Care.
But I am glad you know there are Those Who Care.