Arbitrary Dichotomizing #1: Legos or Lincoln Logs?

I preferred Lincoln Logs. To my young mind, it seemed a more challenging form - its more limited structural-interlock possibilities posing stark problems that forced me to seek more creative sculptural solutions in order to vent my muse.

But I loved Legoland though! How incongruous, looking back at it now. I mean, that was kind of a cut-and-dried playset deal.


Sean Scully said…
I'm a Lego man. If you're not with us, you're against us.
blue said…
I'm against you!
Lincoln Logs feel and smell so good, and they have the fantastic can. They make you a lumberjack architect.

Legos just hurt your fingers, stack and stack, and are boring. Plus you never had enough of one/the color(s) to make things look the way you wanted. And even if you did, they'd be smooth Lego plastic, so still not the way you wanted. And those thin pieces broke or were useless, and all the hats fell off the little people.
A real catastrophe all around was Lego.