I KNOW! How pretty can stuff be without pulling your eyes out from the gravitation?
But, Darwin's Advocate: I can also see how even something so beautiful, could easily have evolved - with no help at all from any God! - just from the sheer intensity of the natural selection pressures exerted by a flower's innate genetic need to get its picture taken.
I'm abashed to say I'm not sure I was entirely trying to be funny! But of course, I must have been, on some level. Hm, let's see, let's unravel.
Well, I do believe that it all could have happened without*, that part is wholly true. I mean I do believe it's all, the world is all, included into the universe in a way that is entirely plausible and natural and calling for no necessary divine explanation. I do believe that. It is plausible; an implausible world would be a rather slipshod job, on the part of any hypothetical God.
But then the crack about flowers needing their picture taken was clearly just some kind of a dig on my part, needlling their tarty little egos! That was definitely me trying to be funny on some level.
But, Darwin's Advocate: I can also see how even something so beautiful, could easily have evolved - with no help at all from any God! - just from the sheer intensity of the natural selection pressures exerted by a flower's innate genetic need to get its picture taken.
Well, I do believe that it all could have happened without*, that part is wholly true. I mean I do believe it's all, the world is all, included into the universe in a way that is entirely plausible and natural and calling for no necessary divine explanation. I do believe that. It is plausible; an implausible world would be a rather slipshod job, on the part of any hypothetical God.
But then the crack about flowers needing their picture taken was clearly just some kind of a dig on my part, needlling their tarty little egos! That was definitely me trying to be funny on some level.
*"God" is understood.