So I Flew Home

I was dying to paint a few canvases of these. But I know for a fact some other jerk already paints high-altitude flat-aspect abstracted landscapes. So maybe I can't, too! But I bet mine would be better.
abstract study 1
abstract 5 the world wears madras shorts
abstract 4 the cloudstained earth
abstract study 3 that's my cloud
abstract study 2 crop circles
abstract 6 hey half-dome
That's Yosemite down there! Can you see Half Dome down there? On the lower left.

Not so bold and sassy without some Ansel Adams to tart you up all iconic are you, Half-Dome?


blue said…
Wow! You had amazingly clear windows there, and talk about an awesome view. I always try to get pictures like this and never do. I have definitely written poems about what I see, though. Lucky. I wish I'd been on that plane.
dogimo said…
Funny! I was just writing a poem about just the above.
dogimo said…
It occurs to me (in re: "some other jerk") that probably PLENTY of jerks have already painted those kinds of paintings. It's kind of a butt-obvious topic for any artist who has ever sat over the wing of an airborne plane. That view would just automatically scream "modernist abstract painting" to anyone with a mind framed or schooled to see things in such terms.

Or to us in the modern day, it comes across as if an extremely hi-res and hideously slow-to-load Google Maps had been installed beneath us, and was agonizingly scrolling by - out of the West, passing on its interminable way back East.

So to be clear, the "some other jerk" was only meant to refer to whoever the most famous jerk may be, whoever has taken that butt-obvious idea and made it (to the greatest degree possible) their own, owned shtick (or one of their shticks).

It's no knock on the art itself. I can't recall the artist, but there it was, right smack on the museum wall, doing some justice to the flat, abstracted canvas Earth concept, and really complementing the minimalist benches they had in the viewing room. So good job, whoever you are! Keep it up. No need to look over your shoulder too much.

I'll be there, but I'll be awhile.