Stupid Happy

I want to lighten the mood a bit. And why do I never do that? Must I always bring only the snide, the absurd and the woebegotten? Must everything here be either bad from life, or else fiction? Can't I let a little light in from real life, where there is often ample to be had?

I guess what I mostly do in here is vent. Vent creativity sometimes, vent bile. Vent whining. Vent nonsense, most of the time - I have to vent that. You can't bottle that stuff up! But for some reason I usually don't feel as much need to vent what is pleasant. So my apologies for that.

But hello, y'all! I am stupid happy. I have been for weeks, in fact, despite work is hectic as all get-out and various other unimportant distractions; I'm happy. And as far as I can see I will be for the foreseeable future, now. And I'm smart enough to feel gratitude where gratitude is due, which is to the whole wide world as far as I'm concerned but most especially to the big G above, the Lord, yes, the one you of the Enlightenment rationalist mindset might be apt to call the Deity, but we all know it like a Muslim that there is only one, that there can only one, after all: no, not the Highlander silly but the one who sits On High Itself and goes by "God." Or as I like to personally identify: Mr. Christ Jesus. Himself himself.

That guy's all good. And it's about time I put out some big ups to the main force for infinite sweetness, the designer of all this strangeness and charm who put it all together natural without leaving so much as an invisible pinky-print, and who after all has been looking out for me a dang long time.

Wow. Thank God.

I say, hey, even y'all atheists can thank God a little sometimes. Right? It's harmless right!?? Harmless fun!

It would almost have to be harmless, under that scenario. Who's it gonna hurt?

~peer-pressure voice~

"It'll make you
feel good...good..."


JMH said…
Say Joe, I have never once perceived you as less than happy and positive and enthusiastic about life, so much so that it sometimes frustrates me. Maybe I have a certain baseline misery that I don't even notice anymore, but that's another discussion for another day.

As for God, I find it entertaining to mock Him when portrayed as a bearded humanoid, but omnipotent, omniscient, omnipresent, etc.... However, as for being humble before the sublime mystery of the world, the cosmos, even other people, I think that's an essential part of being human.
dogimo said…
This is extremely comforting to hear, JMH! Thank you. I guess I feel like I come off worse than I actually do. I'd guess maybe both of us come off a lot jauntier than we think!

And I do get a full range of the good and bad in my life. Everyone gets misery. I guess what I've got to be thankful for right now is, lately I feel there is no misery left in life. Hassles, to be sure! Hassles galore, but my misery is bled out.

You know, I bet God really does sport the full Beard God Toga look, from time to time! God probably gets a kick out of it. Tweaking our sensibilities and stuff.

Now, as far as mocking God, I do my share of skewering certain conceptions (misconceptions, says I) people have of God, but I'm prepared to stand in and get whatever whupping I deserve for that, after the net balance of redemption from Christ's salvation is subtracted out of course. Which pretty much leaves me in the clear, but I'm not, you know, sanguine about that. Bottom line is, I don't see that I ever do mock God, but I do go to town on stuff that I'd bet God finds every bit as ridiculous as I do.

Whoop - I don't think you were in any way calling me on any God-mockery!

I agree that humility in the face of mystery is something that ought to be an essential part of being human. Which is not to say that we shouldn't do our level best to shine a light into what mysteries we can! I think that's a high call of ours, and one we can answer without being too arrogant about it.