Oh, Those Casual Lovers!

Warning: This post contains dialogue of a nature that I simply can't endorse! References to the sex act, or in fact, to multifarious arrays and multitudinous instances of each of them, in a context that seems pretty damn near lacking in the emotional aspect and the committed, exclusive context that - for me - makes monogamy so compelling.

She: I love that. Wow.

He: Yeah. That was nice.

She: Never have I performed such multitudinous instances of each of a multifarious array of sex acts, in a context so lacking in the emotional aspect and committed, exclusive character that so typify my usual penchant for monogamy.

He: Yeah. You said it. Beautiful.

She: I have to confess, I never even gave anyone oral sex before!

He: Well, you sure made up for it! Impressive. A born expert! I almost got my wallet out.

She: Tee hee!

He: Yeah, me too.

She: Who knew sex without love could be this way?

He: I know I didn't know it! It's a policy of mine to make love only. None of this vulgar, clinical "having sex," none of this crass "fucking."

She: Oh, me too! More than "me too." And yet, great as it was and as much as I enjoyed everything so much, my feelings toward you are the same. They haven't changed.

He: I enjoyed everything. Particularly your breasts, a very enjoyable and engaging pair.

She: Thank you! You like them?

He: Oh, very much.

She: But it's so weird, isn't it? As much as I enjoyed doing everything, and as revelatory as the experience was ...

He: ... epiphianic ...

She: Yes! Or, "epiphanic," really, but I love what you mean!

He: "Epiphanic"? Really? Not "epiphianic"?

She: Yup. Sorry. Yours is quite lovely, but wrong.

He: But it's like "messianic," or it should be...?

She: I agree it should be. But nope.

He: I'll stick with "epiphianic," even if it is wrong.

She: Well, I'll stick with this - even if it is wrong!

He: Mm!

She: Mmf!

He: ...

He: ...wow...

She: Mmmmn.

He: You know what else is weird?

She: Mmmmn?

He: Never mind. That's fine. Talk later.

She: Mmmmn!
