So, re: "A blog may have at most 2000 labels." Funny thing. I actually went to the trouble of counting my labels, to see why after deleting about 12 I still couldn't add any.
Turns out, I have 2207 labels.
So, my initial impression – that I must have bumped up against some preexisting ceiling – was mistaken. The label limit has only just kicked in. I wonder if I'm the only violator? I'd hate to think that. I don't want to cause any trouble. Dear Blogger, you do have my e-mail address! Please let me know!
My natural assumption is that I am not being individually targeted, and that the new policy means only that I will not be able to create new labels, unless I reduce what I have below 2000, and from there on in it would be a 1-for-1 exchange: one new label can be created for every existing label destroyed. As long as that's how it is, I can live with that restriction.
It is a real shame, though, because I have been getting a lot of value out of the label function! I thought the labels were really a neat little tool to additional subtle meaning and comic commentary on each post, and to facilitate grouping of like posts. Perhaps maybe only the last function was the intended use, but the fact is that labels were a versatile tool with several valid, powerful uses. I do not think I'll be able to get remotely as good a result going forward under this new restriction, and to attempt it would gut what is already there.
My belief is that the best thing is to let all previous posts remain in their fully-labeled glory! I will no longer add any labels whatsoever to new posts going forward. The labels on the existing posts can stand as evidence of how kickass that function was while it lasted! I feel a hunch that perhaps, few if any have explored the possibilities of the label function to the extent that I did. I am very grateful for the use I was able to get out of it.
This is as good a time as any for a label count/ranking recap. The final one, I guess, unless something changes. The final tally stands thus:
thoughts(175), songs(136), criticism(125), love(119), God(111), rock(108), music(84), videos(80), food(76), movies(71), poetry(71), science(67), work(67), the blog(56), writing(55), artistic integrity(53), tips(53), dreams(51), fiction(49), life(45), language(44), social norms(44), death(42), controversy(41), me(40), sex(39), politics(35), theology(35), truth(33), alcohol(32), Art(32), blogging(32), sexuality(32), holidays(29), feminism(28), wrongness(27), concerts(26), quotes(26), ideas(25), medicine(25), afterlife(24), drawings(24), humor(24), My Webcomic(24), history(23), Jesus Christ(23), violence(23), cars(22), fight(22), nostalgia(22), philosophy(22), superheroes(22), AC/DC(21), memory(21), NFL(21), relationships(21), science fiction(21), Sunday(21), the universe(21), money(20), the law(20), advice(19), business(19), restaurants(19), saints(19), sports(19), tv(19), physics(18), beer(17), faith(17), humanity(17), loss(17), pitches(17), power(17), time(17), words(17), writers par excellence(17), America(16), apology(16), Christmas(16), Crowded House(16), prayer(16), recipes(16), safety(16), Satan(16), albums(15), atheism(15), books(15), evolution(15), jokes(15), media(15), profanity(15), meaning(14), names(14), photography(14), proposals(14), breakfast(13), crime(13), education(13), questions(13), religion(13), Road Safety Corner(13), sandwiches(13), self-examination(13), days(12), fashion(12), government(12), hell(12), justice(12), Neil Finn(12), perfection(12), secrets(12), the mind(12), warnings(12), beverages(11), children(11), eggs(11), hate(11), heaven(11), heroism(11), hot dogs(11), inventions(11), lists(11), morality(11), nudity(11), OOCCOOPS(11), pain(11), rap(11), reality(11), sayings(11), screenplays(11), sexism(11), war(11), belief(10), breasts(10), cake(10), directors(10), existentialism(10), friends(10), heart(10), literature(10), marriage(10), nature(10), race(10), self-portrait(10), sexy(10), short stories(10), stupidity(10), tough topics(10), Twitter(10), youth(10), advertising(9), argument(9), burgers(9), clothes(9), disease(9), guitar(9), happiness(9), health(9), hegemony(9), horror(9), intelligence(9), lies(9), martial arts(9), murder(9), New Direction(9), penises(9), spam(9), Special Guest Shot(9), the internet(9), traffic(9), aliens(8), birds(8), Christianity(8), comics(8), common courtesy(8), computers(8), creation(8), Def Leppard(8), eyes(8), fans(8), heat(8), illness(8), lunch(8), McDonald's(8), morons(8), My Toyota Tercel(8), New Jersey(8), night(8), parties(8), Presidents(8), problems(8), purpose(8), randomness(8), self(8), sleep(8), technology(8), tragedy(8),
Labels with 7 appearances: activism, aging, babies, blood, Bryan Adams, cleanliness, commenting, contests, environmentalism, Godzilla, grammar, high school, Hitler, humble, hypocrisy, Independence Day, insults, Kool Moe Dee, labels, logic, magic, monsters, months, New Years, paradox, Please Forgive Me, police, polls, pool, Postmodernism, propaganda, sacrifice, satire, semantics, sin, sincerity, t-shirts, terrorism, Top H List, tricks, wine,
Labels with 6 appearances: addiction, alienation, analysis, angels, animals, Batman, battle, beef, Blade Runner, Boont, bullshit, capital punishment, cartoons, cheese, colors, confessions, espionage, etiquette, evil, excuses, fire, flowers, gay issues, girlfriends, global warming, good, headlines, huh, infinity, insanity, marketing, mathematics, meat, men, metaphors, military, moving, news, painting, paranoia, paranormal, Pet Shop Boys, pie, porn, Romantic, sociopaths, spirituality, strategy, Superman, Talkin' Sweet, The Beatles, the Bible, Tina Fey, U-Tube, word of the day,
Labels with 5: Anderson Valley Brewing Co, Ang Lee's Hulk, anger, apples, asses, attitude, beauty, bicycling, black ops, Buddhism, capitalism, catastrophes, cats, chickens, chores, commercials, communication, compassion, compliments, cowardice, Darwinism, dilemmas, disclaimers, dogs, drugs, Dutch, economics, epidemics, epiphanies, fads, fate, fetishes, fitness, Flannery O'Connor, Highway 17, hiking, hygiene, injury, Jarvis Cocker, King Kong, letters, luck, milk, mortality, mothers, Obama, originality, perspective, plagiarism, procrastination, psychology, reincarnation, replicants, responsibility, Ridley Scott, skepticism, smoking, soap, stalker, Star Trek, Star Wars, stars, success, suicide, Thanksgiving, the sky, theories, trash-talking, virtue, weekend, wishes,
Labels with 4: actresses, AIDS, awesome, band names, bands, blessings, brand loyalty, Bret Michaels, Catholicism, Clinton, compromise, condiments, cool, corporations, corruption, Dallas Cowboys, deception, depression, dinosaurs, disasters, dishes, drama, earth, electricity, exes, fantasy, faults, fear, feelings, feet, fine, Frank, funerals, gender issues, Genetically Modified Organisms, gifts, girls, gratuitous morbidity, haiku, hey baby, honesty, ice cream, ideals, ignorance, inevitability, jihad, journalism, Klaxons, Logos, magnesium, minorities, Modernism, noses, nuclear, nutrition, objectification, OKGO, onion, opinions, oppression, organisms, organs, pathetic, patriotism, personality, positivity, pranks, previews, rapping, retractions, revenge, ribs, Rights, rules, sanity, sarcasm, saturday, sauce, scams, schools, scrambled eggs, shit, shoes, Silversun Pickups, skin, soup, tardiness, tests, the Bessemer Process, the future, the moon, The Positive Thought Process, theater, Tim Finn, UFOs, Uncanny Valley effect, victory, wikipedia, wisdom, women, worlds,
Labels with 3: 14th day love post, abs, academia, accents, acting, aftershave, agnosticism, airplanes, answers, apocalypses, April Fool, asterisks, atheists, atrocities, Back In Black, baking, bathing, bees, betrayal, biology, Bionic Woman, Black Keys, botany, brains, buddies, bumper stickers, cancer, cataclysms, Catch-22, celebrity, censorship, charity, Chief, clowns, Coca-Cola, cocktails, coffee, coins, cold, comedy, common sense, conspiracy, corn, courage, covers, cows, cynicism, dada, dancing, defense, destruction, devotion, dicks, dictionaries, DJs, domes, Dostoevsky, dumb, earthquakes, ecology, eldritch, elitism, encouragement, entropy, erudition, ethics, ethnicity, exercise, expletives, failure, fairness, family, Fantastic Four, Feng Shui, fireworks, freakiness, friday, Friedrich Nietzsche, furniture, games, ghosts, goals, Google, gravity, Greek, guilt, ham, head, honor, hope, horses, humans, hymns, hypotheticals, Ides of March, Iron Man, irony, isolation, karaoke, knowledge, Labor Day, landscape, Latin, laughter, legacy, Little Known Facts, liverwurst, LL Cool J, lyrics, mad, Marx, mayonnaise, meetings, mental illness, mercy, metabolism, miracles, mistakes, mixed metaphors, mornings, muse, musicals, mythology, Nazis, negotiation, Neil Tennant, New Order, niceness, nightmares, Nobel Prize, not even funny, novels, obituaries, observations, opera, pants, Paris, pedantry, perversion, pigs, pop culture, practice, predictions, principles, privacy, prophecy, Public Enemy, public nuisances, quantum theory, racism, reason, reform, revolution, right, Rock Of Love, Roger Ebert, rumors, sadness, shame, Sia Furler, Sinatra, Snow Patrol, Spring, Steven Seagal, submarines, sun, superstition, sweet potato fries, sweetness, The Olympics, The US Navy, The USMC, thievery, time travel, Tolkien, Torture, tough guy, toys, troubles, trust, Twilight Zone, undergarments, unions, Valentine, Vietnam, water, what ifs, whisky, wrong, zombies,
Labels with 2: acacias, acceptance, ACLU, acres, adulthood, adventure, amoebas, anarchy, anguish, apocrypha, Arrow, Arthur C. Clarke, astronomy, attack, authority, authors, awards, Baby Boomers, bad, balls, banality, bananas, baseball, beaches, bears, beat box, Beethoven, Benjamin Franklin, Big Bopper, bigotry, biopics, biscotti, bitches, Blogs of Worthiness, blowouts, boasts, Boat, Bob Dylan, bold, boredom, boxing, Brahms, brash, Brett Favre, Bruce Springsteen, Brutus, Buffalo Bills, bunnies, busking, butterflies, Byaaah, Caesar, Calvin, cannibalism, capes, cards, Carl Sagan, celery, cell phones, cheating, chemistry, Chesterton, chocolate, chords, chryselephantine, cliches, clouds, college, comebacks, comediennes, communism, comparisons, con jobs, contemplation, contracts, contrition, cookouts, cop, copyright, cost, country, crap, creativity, Creedence Clearwater Revival, cruelty, crying, dairy, Dan, Dan Jelinek, danger, darts, Dave Dobbyn, decency, definitions, delusion, democracy, despair, desserts, destiny, deviled eggs, dinner, diplomatic immunity, Dirty Harry, disabilities, dolphins, downfall, dressing, drum solos, drums, drunks, ducks, dudes, duty, dysfunction, e-mail etiquette, e-mails, eating disorder, editing, effects, efficiency, Electrocution, elegance, eleven eleven, emotions, emptiness, Equals, existence, experiments, extinction, facial hair, Faerie, fame, farms, fascism, features, fidelity, figure skating, flags, flattery, flaws, focaccia, fools, french toast, Freud, fries, frustrated ambitions, fucking, generations, George Bush, George Lucas, Germany, Girl In Bra And Panties, greed, groceries, grooming, guns, haircuts, Halloween, harmony, Harry Potter, headaches, Hercules, hidden significance, Hit By Truck, Hit In The Throat, Hobbes, home, Human Trafficking, hurt, hydration, ice water, idealism, impulses, inanity, indefensible, influenza, inhibitions, insecurity, insight, insurance, intellect, interpersonal dynamics, INXS, Iraq, itch, Jack Kerouac, James Bond, James McMurtry, janked, Jason Bourne, Jennifer Lopez, joy, Judaism, judgment, Jump Through Window, justifications, juxtaposition, Kanye West, ketchup, keys, Kicked In The Crotch, kiss, Las Vegas, laundromat, lemonade, lemons, Leonardo DiCaprio, Lesbian Gay Bi Transgendered Pride, lessons, letdowns, Liam Neeson, liberty, libraries, lightning, linguistics, lions, lips, Los Angeles, lottery, lust, Magic Hat, maple syrup, Matt Damon, maturity, meanness, memes, mice, Michael Jackson, misery, misogyny, misspellings, MMPI, modern-day warrior mean mean pride, monkeys, Morrissey, MTV, muffaletta, multiverses, muscles, my keen eye, mystery, narration, nervousness, Nick, nonconformism, numbers, ocean, okay, optical illusions, optimism, oranges, overheard, ownership, pajamas, Palin, pasta, Paul Thorn, perception, personal revelations, Phil Collins, Philip Seymour Hoffman, photosynthesis, pickles, piercings, planets, plans, Pluto, politeness, prejudice, pretentiousness, pride, priorities, privilege, Pro Bowl, probability, prohibition, prolificacy, pronouns, psychopaths, Pulp Fiction, punctuation, purity, pus, quarters, Queen, quitting, Rachel Weisz, radio, rain, reading, regards, relish, repentance, resolutions, response, Revenge Motive, reversals, Richard Thompson, Ritchie Valens, roads, Robert Downey Jr., robots, rude, Rush, sabotage, Scarlett Johansson, Scientology, scoring, Seanibus, second-guessing, serious, SETI, shakes, shameless self-promotion, Shot To Death, silliness, sitcoms, sky-diving, slavery, sliced bread, slurs, small talk, snacks, Sno-White Drive In, Socrates, soft drinks, solos, Sona Panos, sororities, souls, Space Invaders, spackle, spaghetti, Speed Racer, spelling, spiders, Split Enz, State mottos, Steve Young, style, subversiveness, succinctness, Super Bowl, superciliousness, surprise, sympathy, tan lines, tattoos, taunts, taxicabs, Teddy Thompson, teeth, temptation, Terry Ballard, text-messaging, the Blues, the Civil War, the cross, The Cure, The Eagles, The Living End, the Matrix, the obvious, The Pope, the Renaissance, The Scientificus, The Shadow, the solar system, The Supreme Court, theft, themes, They Might Be Giants, Thor, thumbs, tires, toes, toilets, tolerance, Tom Sawyer, Tom Swifties, Tom Waits, tomatoes, tow-trucks, trains, Translation, trials, tribulations, truisms, turkey, tyranny, U2, unicorns, updates, uplift, vambraces, vegetables, Vetiver, vicissitudes, virginity, viruses, wackos, waterboarding, weather, weird, whites, wings, wonder, wordhood, wrestling, youth culture, zen,
Labels with 1: 10-4, 2pac, abbreviations, Abduction, abortion, ad nauseam, Adam Clayton, adoption, Aerosmith, Afghanistan, afternoons, Agent, ahem, Aimee Mann, Air Marshalls, Allen Ginsberg, allergies, almonds, alphabetical order, Alton Brown, American Idol, Anais Nin, analogies, Andy Taylor, angst, Angus Young, animal abuse, animation, Ann Wilson, Anna, Anne Sexton, anomalies, antonyms, Aotearoa, apes, appeals for help, appearances, appetizers, Apple IIe, argh, arms, around, Arthur Miller, artificiality, assholes, athletes, Atlantic Telephone and Telegraph Company, Attempted Murder, Auction, auteurs, auto-save, autochthonic, awfulness, Ayn Rand, Ayurveda, bad intelligence investment, bad juju, Bagelry, bagels, ballet, balloons, baloney, banks, bashfulness, Basho, bass, bastards, Bat For Lashes, bean dip, beds, beer bottles, beers, beets, begging, being white, Belated Craze Bandwagon, Belgians, belly, betterment, bias, bicentennial quarters, Big Daddy Kane, Big Head Todd, Big Moody Curve, Bigfoot, bildungsroman, birdhouses, Birthday Party, birthdays, biscuit, Bjork, black holes, black music, blasphemy, Blood Splatter, bloodlust, blue, bluegrass, Blues Traveler, blugging, boardwalk, Bob Ross, Bobby Brown, body language, Bodyguard, Bon Scott, bones, Bonny Doon, Bono, book stores, boom boxes, booze, bosses, bother, bouncers, Bowie, BOWLING, Boy King, bras, brass, bread, breakdown, Brendan O'Brien, brevity, brie, brimstone, Broken Mirror, Buddy Holly, buffers, buffets, bugs, bullseye, bureaucracy, burg-dogs, bus, butt-slap, butter, C.C. DeVille, cabals, Cain, calling, calories, Calvino, Camaros, Camera Phone, Camille Claudel, Canada, candy, cans, Cape May, Car Chase, carbon, carrot juice, Casablanca, Casey Kasem, casual, Cat and Girl, caucasianeity, cauliflower, causes, CGI, Champagne, change, Channel 101, chaos, characters, Charles de Gaulle, Charlie Brown, Charlie Kaufman, Chase On Boat, Chase Scene, cherry blossoms, cherry pie, cherry soda, chewing gum, China, Chris Lowe, Christian Bale, Christmas carols, Christmas Eve, chromosomes, Chuck Norris, CIA, Cigare Volant, cigarettes, cinnamon, clarifications, Clay Aiken, Clerks, Climb Through Window, clockwise, closure, CNN, coalescence, cobras, code, coercion, cognition, Coimbra, collaboration, Colmes, cologne, combat, commissions, communion, compatibility, complaints, Conan, Concert, conditions, condoms, conjunctions, conscience, consensus, construction, conversation, cookies, cork, cork taint, corn pone, Corpse, covetousness, crab, Crayola, crickets, Criss Angel, Cronenberg, crudites, crushes, cults, culture, Cup Noodles, curiosity, Cut Arm, cyborgs, dad, Daft Punk, Dali, Damien Von Schwantz, Danny McBride, Dark City, Darkplace, data, dates, David Ford, dawn, Daylight Savings Time, dealys, Dean, debunked, decals, decay, deconstruction, defecation, degeneracy, demons, DeNiro, Dennys, Denominitarianism, depth, dermis, Desert Storm, desires, determination, devil's advocate, devils, devious designs, diaries, Dick Cheney, Dick Jauron, dickwad, Did You Hear, digestion, dignity, Dinosaur Jr., Diogenes, diplomacy, directions, dirtbags, disappointment, disbelief, discoveries, Discovery Channel, discretion, disillusionment, diversions, Divorced Couple, dizzy, Doc Savage, Doctor Martens Boots, Doctor Who, documentaries, dogma, Dokto Scienz, domesticity, Don Henley, doneness, doom, Door Slam, doorjambs, Dorian Gray, Dorothy Gambrell, Double Date, Double Mustard Dog, double-standards, doubt, doubtrude, downloads, drafts, Dragging Body, drinks, Drug Addiction, durnk, DVDs, ears, easy, Ed Norton, Edward Gorey, eggs benedict, elderly, electronics, Elevator, Elgin marbles, Elliott Smith, ellipses, Elton John, elves, Elvis Costello, embarrassment, emergencies, Emily Mortimer, Eminem, empires, emus, Endangered Species List, enemies, enigmatic, Entertainment Weekly, enthusiasm, envy, epitaphs, equivocality, erotica, Etch-A-Sketch, everything, Ex Wife, expectoration, Explosion, Extortion, F6, faces, Fall From Height, fancy, fatalism, Father Daughter Relationship, feasts, feces, Female In Bra And Panties, fetch, films, finality, finesse, fingernails, Flashback Sequence, Flavor Flav, flight, focus, folk, followers, fonts, Food Network, Foot Chase, Footloose, fortune cookies, franchises, Frasier, fraud, freedom, french, freshness, friendship, fruit, fun, fun to say, funke, further notice, fury, futility, G Love, galaxies, gambling, Gandalf, Garden State, garnish, Garry Shandling, gay porn, gems, generalizations, generosity, genitals, genius, geography, geometry, George Carlin, GI Joe, glam, glass, Glenn Frey, glory, gnosticism, goat-related childhood trauma, goats, gods, Good Eats, Good N' Plenty, Googlepedia, gorgeous, gossip, Goth, gourmet, governance, grace, graffiti, Grammys, grand-uncledom, grandparents, grapes, gratitude, gravy, Green Day, greens, grief, grilled cheese sandwich, gripes, grizzlies, Gulden's mustard, gym class, habits, hail, hamburgers, Hamlet, Handcuffed To Pipe, hands, hanging around, Hannity, hard-earned, Hawaii, hay, Hayseed Dixie, hazing, Head And Shoulders, head-butts, headlights, Heartless Bastards, Heath Ledger, Held At Gunpoint, helicopters, heraldry, heralds, heritage, heroin, Hiding Under Bed, hippos, historians, HIV, hoaxes, hockey, holes, holy water, homesickness, horseradish, hot 25-year old girl, Hot Fuzz, How Come, how much more narrow and shallow can you get, hubris, Hugh Jackman, humanism, hunks, hyperbole, hysteria, ice, ideology, idiots, IHOP, imagination, Immigrant, Impersonating A Police Officer, inarguable, incest, indecorousness, Indians, indisposed, infamy, inheritance, injustice, innuendo, insouciance, instinct, instruments, intensifiers, interests, intervention, Irish, Irish Spring, Iron Chef, Isaac Asimov, Islam, isms, Italians, J.K. Rowling, Jack Nicholson, Jacob's Ladder, James Spader, Jani Lane, jargon, Jazzy Jeff, je t'aime, jeans, Jenny Lewis, Jenny Owen Youngs, jerks, Jerome, Jessica Alba, jewelry, jibs, Jimmy Eat World, Jimmy Fallon, jingoism, Joan, Joe Perry, Joe Walsh, John Basedow, John Edwards, John Waite, Johnny Marr, Jolly Green Giant, Joseph Heller, Jumping Off Bridge, June, juries, Kafka, Kahlil Gibran, kalamata olives, karma, Katy Perry, kazoo, Kevin Smith, KFC, Kick Door In, Kicked In The Face, Kidnapping, kites, kits, kiwi, Kmart, Knife, Kosovo, KPIG, Krypton, kung fu, L.A. Confidential, Lake San Antonio, lampshades, Larry King Live, Larry Mullen, larynx, laziness, Leap Year, Led Zeppelin, legos, Leonardo Di Vinci, Lethal Weapon 2, Liam Finn, license plates, lighthouses, limes, limits, Lincoln, Lindsay Lohan, Lionel Richie, liposuction, liquid, logarithms, logs, loofas, loons, losers, Luciano Pavarotti, lullaby, luxuries, Lyme Disease, Lynyrd Skynyrd, Macy's, Madonna, Maglite brand flashlights, Majestic Dragon, malted, mankind, mantras, marathon, marine botany, Mark Knopfler, Mark Wahlberg, Mary, masochism, maudlin sentimentality, MC Chris, MC Escher, MC Funkee Duncan, McCain, McMelty, McNuggets, medals, Medicare, mediocrisy, meekness, melitism, melodrama, memos, merchandising, Mercury, message, message boards, meteors, methamphetamine, methinks, method acting, Metric, Mexicans, Michael Crichton, Michael Dukakis, Michael Stipe, Michel Gondry, microbes, Midnight Oil, Mike Tyson, milkshakes, Milky Way, mindja, misanthropy, mockery, mold, mom, monarchy, Monet, monopoly, mood, mother-of-pearl, Motley Crue, motorcycles, Motorhead, Moulin Rouge, Mozart, mud, mundaneity, murdah, Mustangs, mustard, MySpace, mysticism, nails, naked, NASA, Natalie Portman, Neck Breaking Scene, necrophilia, need, Needle, neighborhoods, Neil Sedaka, neurophysiology, New Age, New Age crap, New Kids On The Block, New York City, New Yorker, Newcastle Brown Ale, Nicholas Kirkwood, nickels, Nicolas Cage, ninjas, Nixon, No Country For Old Men, No More Tears, noises, Noonie, normal, notability, novelizations, now, nudism, nuts, oats, obey, oblivion, occult, olives, OMG, On Through The Night, One Word Title, onus, onychophagia, openness, order, ordering, orders, orthodontia, outreach, overhead, Overturning Car, ovulation, Owen Gleiberman, Pac Man, pacifism, Pacino, pancakes, panties, parables, parking, Pascal's Wager, pastrami, pathos, Patrick Swayze, Paul Giamatti, Paul Hester, Paul Newman, peaches, peacocks, peahens, pedophilia, pee pee, penguins, pennies, Percy Bysshe Shelley, Pete Yorn, Peter Hook, pets, peurile, Phil Collen, Philadelphia, Phillies, phlegm, phobias, Photobucket, phrases, picketing, picks, picnics, pictures, pilots, Pinback, pineapple, Pistol Whip, pith, pizza, Plato, plays, plein-air, plumbs, plungers, pneumonia, pointlessness, points, poison, poker, Polynesia, pomposity, Ponce De Leon, pone, Poor Bee, Pop Star, Pop Tarts, popcorn, Portugal, posterity, potatoes, potential, poverty, Prague, preaching, precocity, prescriptions, pretty hard core shit right there, pretzels, prickles, pricks, priests, Prince, procreation, prodigies, productivity, progress, properties, prosciutto, prostheses, Prostitute, proverbs, prudes, PSA, pshaw, public transit, publicity, puerile, pumpkins, Punched In The Face, punk, puns, pyromania, Q-Tips, quality, question mark, Qui-Gon Jinn, quiche, rabbits, Racer X, rage, Raised Middle Finger, rants, razor blades, razors, Reagan, reality shows, recognition, redemption, refrigerators, relief, reminiscences, remorse, remote viewing, renaissance fairs, Renee Zellweger, requests, respect, Restaurant RIP, resumes, reverence, reveries, rewards, rhinotillexis, Richard Dreyfuss, right of way, Righteous Rage, rigor, Rivers Cuomo, roll, Rome, rose petal jam, roses, Rosey Grier, Roy Batty, Rufus Wainright, Russia, Ryan Karels, rye, SAAB, sacrilege, Saddam Hussein, sadism, sagacity, salt, same fucking thing, Santa Claus, Santa Cruz, scabies, scandals, scatology, schizophrenic, scholarship, scissors, Scorcese, Scott Baio, Screaming, screeners, sculpture, Scwewy Wabbit, sealing wax, self-recrimination, selfishness, sensation, sentences, sequels, service, sex offenders registry, Sex Trade, SFW, Shakespeare, shampoos, Sharpie®, shaving, sheep, shirts, shit pops, shizzle, shock, Shootout, shopping, Shot In The Arm, Shot In The Back, Shot In The Chest, Shot In The Forehead, Shot In The Leg, Shot In The Shoulder, Shot In The Stomach, Shot Through Window, showering, shrubbery, sighs, silicon, Simon and Garfunkel, sinners, slang, sluts, smartassery, Smashing Pumpkins, smell, snails, Snickers, snobs, snot, snuggling, soccer, Social Security, solid, Solvang, some guy, Sons of McBitches, Sophocles, sorry, soundtracks, space, Spanish, specifics, spin, Spit In The Face, spoilage, spontaneity, spores, Stabbed In The Arm, Stabbed In The Chest, Stabbed In The Leg, stagefright, stains, Stalin, stamps, standards, stardom, states, stationery, statistics, status, steak, Stealing Car, Stepfather, Stephen Colbert, Stephen Hawking, Stephen King, Steve Buscemi, Steven Tyler, Stevie Wonder, stigma, stilts, stimulus, Sting, stout, Strangulation, straw, struth, strychnine, stuff, subjectivity, submissiveness, substance, suck, suffering, sugar, summer, sunset, supplements, surfing, surrealism, Surveillance, sushi, suspects, sweat, Sweden, Sylvia Plath, symptoms, Taco Bell, Taken, Tape Recorder, Tarantino, TARDIS, taste, Tattoo, taxes, tea, Teddy Roosevelt, Teen Homicide, telepathy, Tennessee Williams, terrible, Th Dudes, Thai food, The Avengers, the Axis Powers, The Bangles, the barter system, the Blob, the blug, the bottle4, the British Antilles, the Brunching Shuttlecocks, the buddy system, The Coen Brothers, The Crane, The Crepe Place, The Crow, The Departed, The Edge, the English, the Fillmore, The French, The Godfather, The Grand Duke of Luxembourg, the Horse King, The Mach 5, the nasty, The Outer Limit, the possible, The Seldom Scene, The The, the Titanic, the UN, the West, the World Series, The X-Files, there should be, theremin, They Say, this guy, Thomas Merton, Thompson Twins, thorns, threats, Thriller, throw, Thrown Off Balcony, tidal waves, Tied To Bedpost, Tied To Chair, tigers, Tim McGraw, tins, today, Tolkein, Tom Cruise, Tom Petty, tombstones, tools, torpedos, Tortured To Death, tourism, towels, tradition, traffic lights, Trainspotting, Trapped In Elevator, trees, tribe, triumph, Troy Aikman, Tru-Coat, trucks, tsatsiki, tugboats, tuna, twins, twitch, tzatziki, Uh, ukulele, umlaut, Uncle Tim, undefeated, underground, uniqueness, unrest, up, upside-down globes, Usher, vacuum, vampires, vanity, vans, virtuoso, vodka, voicemail, Wachowskis, waffles, Wallace Shawn, walls, Wally Lamb, wanderer, warmth, Warren Zevon, watching, Waterworld, weaklings, Weezer, Westerns, whispers, whistleblowing, White House, whiteness, whores, wickedness, widows, will, Will Ferrell, William of Ockham, William S. Burroughs, William Shatner, winning, winter, Wolverine, Wonder Woman, wordplay, worry, X-Men, Yacht, yay, yelling, yo, yogurt, Yosemite, you, you know, Young Fresh Fellows, Zero Wing,
R.I.P. labels! May this post stand as an enduring testament to your everlasting worth.
Turns out, I have 2207 labels.
So, my initial impression – that I must have bumped up against some preexisting ceiling – was mistaken. The label limit has only just kicked in. I wonder if I'm the only violator? I'd hate to think that. I don't want to cause any trouble. Dear Blogger, you do have my e-mail address! Please let me know!
My natural assumption is that I am not being individually targeted, and that the new policy means only that I will not be able to create new labels, unless I reduce what I have below 2000, and from there on in it would be a 1-for-1 exchange: one new label can be created for every existing label destroyed. As long as that's how it is, I can live with that restriction.
It is a real shame, though, because I have been getting a lot of value out of the label function! I thought the labels were really a neat little tool to additional subtle meaning and comic commentary on each post, and to facilitate grouping of like posts. Perhaps maybe only the last function was the intended use, but the fact is that labels were a versatile tool with several valid, powerful uses. I do not think I'll be able to get remotely as good a result going forward under this new restriction, and to attempt it would gut what is already there.
My belief is that the best thing is to let all previous posts remain in their fully-labeled glory! I will no longer add any labels whatsoever to new posts going forward. The labels on the existing posts can stand as evidence of how kickass that function was while it lasted! I feel a hunch that perhaps, few if any have explored the possibilities of the label function to the extent that I did. I am very grateful for the use I was able to get out of it.
This is as good a time as any for a label count/ranking recap. The final one, I guess, unless something changes. The final tally stands thus:
thoughts(175), songs(136), criticism(125), love(119), God(111), rock(108), music(84), videos(80), food(76), movies(71), poetry(71), science(67), work(67), the blog(56), writing(55), artistic integrity(53), tips(53), dreams(51), fiction(49), life(45), language(44), social norms(44), death(42), controversy(41), me(40), sex(39), politics(35), theology(35), truth(33), alcohol(32), Art(32), blogging(32), sexuality(32), holidays(29), feminism(28), wrongness(27), concerts(26), quotes(26), ideas(25), medicine(25), afterlife(24), drawings(24), humor(24), My Webcomic(24), history(23), Jesus Christ(23), violence(23), cars(22), fight(22), nostalgia(22), philosophy(22), superheroes(22), AC/DC(21), memory(21), NFL(21), relationships(21), science fiction(21), Sunday(21), the universe(21), money(20), the law(20), advice(19), business(19), restaurants(19), saints(19), sports(19), tv(19), physics(18), beer(17), faith(17), humanity(17), loss(17), pitches(17), power(17), time(17), words(17), writers par excellence(17), America(16), apology(16), Christmas(16), Crowded House(16), prayer(16), recipes(16), safety(16), Satan(16), albums(15), atheism(15), books(15), evolution(15), jokes(15), media(15), profanity(15), meaning(14), names(14), photography(14), proposals(14), breakfast(13), crime(13), education(13), questions(13), religion(13), Road Safety Corner(13), sandwiches(13), self-examination(13), days(12), fashion(12), government(12), hell(12), justice(12), Neil Finn(12), perfection(12), secrets(12), the mind(12), warnings(12), beverages(11), children(11), eggs(11), hate(11), heaven(11), heroism(11), hot dogs(11), inventions(11), lists(11), morality(11), nudity(11), OOCCOOPS(11), pain(11), rap(11), reality(11), sayings(11), screenplays(11), sexism(11), war(11), belief(10), breasts(10), cake(10), directors(10), existentialism(10), friends(10), heart(10), literature(10), marriage(10), nature(10), race(10), self-portrait(10), sexy(10), short stories(10), stupidity(10), tough topics(10), Twitter(10), youth(10), advertising(9), argument(9), burgers(9), clothes(9), disease(9), guitar(9), happiness(9), health(9), hegemony(9), horror(9), intelligence(9), lies(9), martial arts(9), murder(9), New Direction(9), penises(9), spam(9), Special Guest Shot(9), the internet(9), traffic(9), aliens(8), birds(8), Christianity(8), comics(8), common courtesy(8), computers(8), creation(8), Def Leppard(8), eyes(8), fans(8), heat(8), illness(8), lunch(8), McDonald's(8), morons(8), My Toyota Tercel(8), New Jersey(8), night(8), parties(8), Presidents(8), problems(8), purpose(8), randomness(8), self(8), sleep(8), technology(8), tragedy(8),
Labels with 7 appearances: activism, aging, babies, blood, Bryan Adams, cleanliness, commenting, contests, environmentalism, Godzilla, grammar, high school, Hitler, humble, hypocrisy, Independence Day, insults, Kool Moe Dee, labels, logic, magic, monsters, months, New Years, paradox, Please Forgive Me, police, polls, pool, Postmodernism, propaganda, sacrifice, satire, semantics, sin, sincerity, t-shirts, terrorism, Top H List, tricks, wine,
Labels with 6 appearances: addiction, alienation, analysis, angels, animals, Batman, battle, beef, Blade Runner, Boont, bullshit, capital punishment, cartoons, cheese, colors, confessions, espionage, etiquette, evil, excuses, fire, flowers, gay issues, girlfriends, global warming, good, headlines, huh, infinity, insanity, marketing, mathematics, meat, men, metaphors, military, moving, news, painting, paranoia, paranormal, Pet Shop Boys, pie, porn, Romantic, sociopaths, spirituality, strategy, Superman, Talkin' Sweet, The Beatles, the Bible, Tina Fey, U-Tube, word of the day,
Labels with 5: Anderson Valley Brewing Co, Ang Lee's Hulk, anger, apples, asses, attitude, beauty, bicycling, black ops, Buddhism, capitalism, catastrophes, cats, chickens, chores, commercials, communication, compassion, compliments, cowardice, Darwinism, dilemmas, disclaimers, dogs, drugs, Dutch, economics, epidemics, epiphanies, fads, fate, fetishes, fitness, Flannery O'Connor, Highway 17, hiking, hygiene, injury, Jarvis Cocker, King Kong, letters, luck, milk, mortality, mothers, Obama, originality, perspective, plagiarism, procrastination, psychology, reincarnation, replicants, responsibility, Ridley Scott, skepticism, smoking, soap, stalker, Star Trek, Star Wars, stars, success, suicide, Thanksgiving, the sky, theories, trash-talking, virtue, weekend, wishes,
Labels with 4: actresses, AIDS, awesome, band names, bands, blessings, brand loyalty, Bret Michaels, Catholicism, Clinton, compromise, condiments, cool, corporations, corruption, Dallas Cowboys, deception, depression, dinosaurs, disasters, dishes, drama, earth, electricity, exes, fantasy, faults, fear, feelings, feet, fine, Frank, funerals, gender issues, Genetically Modified Organisms, gifts, girls, gratuitous morbidity, haiku, hey baby, honesty, ice cream, ideals, ignorance, inevitability, jihad, journalism, Klaxons, Logos, magnesium, minorities, Modernism, noses, nuclear, nutrition, objectification, OKGO, onion, opinions, oppression, organisms, organs, pathetic, patriotism, personality, positivity, pranks, previews, rapping, retractions, revenge, ribs, Rights, rules, sanity, sarcasm, saturday, sauce, scams, schools, scrambled eggs, shit, shoes, Silversun Pickups, skin, soup, tardiness, tests, the Bessemer Process, the future, the moon, The Positive Thought Process, theater, Tim Finn, UFOs, Uncanny Valley effect, victory, wikipedia, wisdom, women, worlds,
Labels with 3: 14th day love post, abs, academia, accents, acting, aftershave, agnosticism, airplanes, answers, apocalypses, April Fool, asterisks, atheists, atrocities, Back In Black, baking, bathing, bees, betrayal, biology, Bionic Woman, Black Keys, botany, brains, buddies, bumper stickers, cancer, cataclysms, Catch-22, celebrity, censorship, charity, Chief, clowns, Coca-Cola, cocktails, coffee, coins, cold, comedy, common sense, conspiracy, corn, courage, covers, cows, cynicism, dada, dancing, defense, destruction, devotion, dicks, dictionaries, DJs, domes, Dostoevsky, dumb, earthquakes, ecology, eldritch, elitism, encouragement, entropy, erudition, ethics, ethnicity, exercise, expletives, failure, fairness, family, Fantastic Four, Feng Shui, fireworks, freakiness, friday, Friedrich Nietzsche, furniture, games, ghosts, goals, Google, gravity, Greek, guilt, ham, head, honor, hope, horses, humans, hymns, hypotheticals, Ides of March, Iron Man, irony, isolation, karaoke, knowledge, Labor Day, landscape, Latin, laughter, legacy, Little Known Facts, liverwurst, LL Cool J, lyrics, mad, Marx, mayonnaise, meetings, mental illness, mercy, metabolism, miracles, mistakes, mixed metaphors, mornings, muse, musicals, mythology, Nazis, negotiation, Neil Tennant, New Order, niceness, nightmares, Nobel Prize, not even funny, novels, obituaries, observations, opera, pants, Paris, pedantry, perversion, pigs, pop culture, practice, predictions, principles, privacy, prophecy, Public Enemy, public nuisances, quantum theory, racism, reason, reform, revolution, right, Rock Of Love, Roger Ebert, rumors, sadness, shame, Sia Furler, Sinatra, Snow Patrol, Spring, Steven Seagal, submarines, sun, superstition, sweet potato fries, sweetness, The Olympics, The US Navy, The USMC, thievery, time travel, Tolkien, Torture, tough guy, toys, troubles, trust, Twilight Zone, undergarments, unions, Valentine, Vietnam, water, what ifs, whisky, wrong, zombies,
Labels with 2: acacias, acceptance, ACLU, acres, adulthood, adventure, amoebas, anarchy, anguish, apocrypha, Arrow, Arthur C. Clarke, astronomy, attack, authority, authors, awards, Baby Boomers, bad, balls, banality, bananas, baseball, beaches, bears, beat box, Beethoven, Benjamin Franklin, Big Bopper, bigotry, biopics, biscotti, bitches, Blogs of Worthiness, blowouts, boasts, Boat, Bob Dylan, bold, boredom, boxing, Brahms, brash, Brett Favre, Bruce Springsteen, Brutus, Buffalo Bills, bunnies, busking, butterflies, Byaaah, Caesar, Calvin, cannibalism, capes, cards, Carl Sagan, celery, cell phones, cheating, chemistry, Chesterton, chocolate, chords, chryselephantine, cliches, clouds, college, comebacks, comediennes, communism, comparisons, con jobs, contemplation, contracts, contrition, cookouts, cop, copyright, cost, country, crap, creativity, Creedence Clearwater Revival, cruelty, crying, dairy, Dan, Dan Jelinek, danger, darts, Dave Dobbyn, decency, definitions, delusion, democracy, despair, desserts, destiny, deviled eggs, dinner, diplomatic immunity, Dirty Harry, disabilities, dolphins, downfall, dressing, drum solos, drums, drunks, ducks, dudes, duty, dysfunction, e-mail etiquette, e-mails, eating disorder, editing, effects, efficiency, Electrocution, elegance, eleven eleven, emotions, emptiness, Equals, existence, experiments, extinction, facial hair, Faerie, fame, farms, fascism, features, fidelity, figure skating, flags, flattery, flaws, focaccia, fools, french toast, Freud, fries, frustrated ambitions, fucking, generations, George Bush, George Lucas, Germany, Girl In Bra And Panties, greed, groceries, grooming, guns, haircuts, Halloween, harmony, Harry Potter, headaches, Hercules, hidden significance, Hit By Truck, Hit In The Throat, Hobbes, home, Human Trafficking, hurt, hydration, ice water, idealism, impulses, inanity, indefensible, influenza, inhibitions, insecurity, insight, insurance, intellect, interpersonal dynamics, INXS, Iraq, itch, Jack Kerouac, James Bond, James McMurtry, janked, Jason Bourne, Jennifer Lopez, joy, Judaism, judgment, Jump Through Window, justifications, juxtaposition, Kanye West, ketchup, keys, Kicked In The Crotch, kiss, Las Vegas, laundromat, lemonade, lemons, Leonardo DiCaprio, Lesbian Gay Bi Transgendered Pride, lessons, letdowns, Liam Neeson, liberty, libraries, lightning, linguistics, lions, lips, Los Angeles, lottery, lust, Magic Hat, maple syrup, Matt Damon, maturity, meanness, memes, mice, Michael Jackson, misery, misogyny, misspellings, MMPI, modern-day warrior mean mean pride, monkeys, Morrissey, MTV, muffaletta, multiverses, muscles, my keen eye, mystery, narration, nervousness, Nick, nonconformism, numbers, ocean, okay, optical illusions, optimism, oranges, overheard, ownership, pajamas, Palin, pasta, Paul Thorn, perception, personal revelations, Phil Collins, Philip Seymour Hoffman, photosynthesis, pickles, piercings, planets, plans, Pluto, politeness, prejudice, pretentiousness, pride, priorities, privilege, Pro Bowl, probability, prohibition, prolificacy, pronouns, psychopaths, Pulp Fiction, punctuation, purity, pus, quarters, Queen, quitting, Rachel Weisz, radio, rain, reading, regards, relish, repentance, resolutions, response, Revenge Motive, reversals, Richard Thompson, Ritchie Valens, roads, Robert Downey Jr., robots, rude, Rush, sabotage, Scarlett Johansson, Scientology, scoring, Seanibus, second-guessing, serious, SETI, shakes, shameless self-promotion, Shot To Death, silliness, sitcoms, sky-diving, slavery, sliced bread, slurs, small talk, snacks, Sno-White Drive In, Socrates, soft drinks, solos, Sona Panos, sororities, souls, Space Invaders, spackle, spaghetti, Speed Racer, spelling, spiders, Split Enz, State mottos, Steve Young, style, subversiveness, succinctness, Super Bowl, superciliousness, surprise, sympathy, tan lines, tattoos, taunts, taxicabs, Teddy Thompson, teeth, temptation, Terry Ballard, text-messaging, the Blues, the Civil War, the cross, The Cure, The Eagles, The Living End, the Matrix, the obvious, The Pope, the Renaissance, The Scientificus, The Shadow, the solar system, The Supreme Court, theft, themes, They Might Be Giants, Thor, thumbs, tires, toes, toilets, tolerance, Tom Sawyer, Tom Swifties, Tom Waits, tomatoes, tow-trucks, trains, Translation, trials, tribulations, truisms, turkey, tyranny, U2, unicorns, updates, uplift, vambraces, vegetables, Vetiver, vicissitudes, virginity, viruses, wackos, waterboarding, weather, weird, whites, wings, wonder, wordhood, wrestling, youth culture, zen,
Labels with 1: 10-4, 2pac, abbreviations, Abduction, abortion, ad nauseam, Adam Clayton, adoption, Aerosmith, Afghanistan, afternoons, Agent, ahem, Aimee Mann, Air Marshalls, Allen Ginsberg, allergies, almonds, alphabetical order, Alton Brown, American Idol, Anais Nin, analogies, Andy Taylor, angst, Angus Young, animal abuse, animation, Ann Wilson, Anna, Anne Sexton, anomalies, antonyms, Aotearoa, apes, appeals for help, appearances, appetizers, Apple IIe, argh, arms, around, Arthur Miller, artificiality, assholes, athletes, Atlantic Telephone and Telegraph Company, Attempted Murder, Auction, auteurs, auto-save, autochthonic, awfulness, Ayn Rand, Ayurveda, bad intelligence investment, bad juju, Bagelry, bagels, ballet, balloons, baloney, banks, bashfulness, Basho, bass, bastards, Bat For Lashes, bean dip, beds, beer bottles, beers, beets, begging, being white, Belated Craze Bandwagon, Belgians, belly, betterment, bias, bicentennial quarters, Big Daddy Kane, Big Head Todd, Big Moody Curve, Bigfoot, bildungsroman, birdhouses, Birthday Party, birthdays, biscuit, Bjork, black holes, black music, blasphemy, Blood Splatter, bloodlust, blue, bluegrass, Blues Traveler, blugging, boardwalk, Bob Ross, Bobby Brown, body language, Bodyguard, Bon Scott, bones, Bonny Doon, Bono, book stores, boom boxes, booze, bosses, bother, bouncers, Bowie, BOWLING, Boy King, bras, brass, bread, breakdown, Brendan O'Brien, brevity, brie, brimstone, Broken Mirror, Buddy Holly, buffers, buffets, bugs, bullseye, bureaucracy, burg-dogs, bus, butt-slap, butter, C.C. DeVille, cabals, Cain, calling, calories, Calvino, Camaros, Camera Phone, Camille Claudel, Canada, candy, cans, Cape May, Car Chase, carbon, carrot juice, Casablanca, Casey Kasem, casual, Cat and Girl, caucasianeity, cauliflower, causes, CGI, Champagne, change, Channel 101, chaos, characters, Charles de Gaulle, Charlie Brown, Charlie Kaufman, Chase On Boat, Chase Scene, cherry blossoms, cherry pie, cherry soda, chewing gum, China, Chris Lowe, Christian Bale, Christmas carols, Christmas Eve, chromosomes, Chuck Norris, CIA, Cigare Volant, cigarettes, cinnamon, clarifications, Clay Aiken, Clerks, Climb Through Window, clockwise, closure, CNN, coalescence, cobras, code, coercion, cognition, Coimbra, collaboration, Colmes, cologne, combat, commissions, communion, compatibility, complaints, Conan, Concert, conditions, condoms, conjunctions, conscience, consensus, construction, conversation, cookies, cork, cork taint, corn pone, Corpse, covetousness, crab, Crayola, crickets, Criss Angel, Cronenberg, crudites, crushes, cults, culture, Cup Noodles, curiosity, Cut Arm, cyborgs, dad, Daft Punk, Dali, Damien Von Schwantz, Danny McBride, Dark City, Darkplace, data, dates, David Ford, dawn, Daylight Savings Time, dealys, Dean, debunked, decals, decay, deconstruction, defecation, degeneracy, demons, DeNiro, Dennys, Denominitarianism, depth, dermis, Desert Storm, desires, determination, devil's advocate, devils, devious designs, diaries, Dick Cheney, Dick Jauron, dickwad, Did You Hear, digestion, dignity, Dinosaur Jr., Diogenes, diplomacy, directions, dirtbags, disappointment, disbelief, discoveries, Discovery Channel, discretion, disillusionment, diversions, Divorced Couple, dizzy, Doc Savage, Doctor Martens Boots, Doctor Who, documentaries, dogma, Dokto Scienz, domesticity, Don Henley, doneness, doom, Door Slam, doorjambs, Dorian Gray, Dorothy Gambrell, Double Date, Double Mustard Dog, double-standards, doubt, doubtrude, downloads, drafts, Dragging Body, drinks, Drug Addiction, durnk, DVDs, ears, easy, Ed Norton, Edward Gorey, eggs benedict, elderly, electronics, Elevator, Elgin marbles, Elliott Smith, ellipses, Elton John, elves, Elvis Costello, embarrassment, emergencies, Emily Mortimer, Eminem, empires, emus, Endangered Species List, enemies, enigmatic, Entertainment Weekly, enthusiasm, envy, epitaphs, equivocality, erotica, Etch-A-Sketch, everything, Ex Wife, expectoration, Explosion, Extortion, F6, faces, Fall From Height, fancy, fatalism, Father Daughter Relationship, feasts, feces, Female In Bra And Panties, fetch, films, finality, finesse, fingernails, Flashback Sequence, Flavor Flav, flight, focus, folk, followers, fonts, Food Network, Foot Chase, Footloose, fortune cookies, franchises, Frasier, fraud, freedom, french, freshness, friendship, fruit, fun, fun to say, funke, further notice, fury, futility, G Love, galaxies, gambling, Gandalf, Garden State, garnish, Garry Shandling, gay porn, gems, generalizations, generosity, genitals, genius, geography, geometry, George Carlin, GI Joe, glam, glass, Glenn Frey, glory, gnosticism, goat-related childhood trauma, goats, gods, Good Eats, Good N' Plenty, Googlepedia, gorgeous, gossip, Goth, gourmet, governance, grace, graffiti, Grammys, grand-uncledom, grandparents, grapes, gratitude, gravy, Green Day, greens, grief, grilled cheese sandwich, gripes, grizzlies, Gulden's mustard, gym class, habits, hail, hamburgers, Hamlet, Handcuffed To Pipe, hands, hanging around, Hannity, hard-earned, Hawaii, hay, Hayseed Dixie, hazing, Head And Shoulders, head-butts, headlights, Heartless Bastards, Heath Ledger, Held At Gunpoint, helicopters, heraldry, heralds, heritage, heroin, Hiding Under Bed, hippos, historians, HIV, hoaxes, hockey, holes, holy water, homesickness, horseradish, hot 25-year old girl, Hot Fuzz, How Come, how much more narrow and shallow can you get, hubris, Hugh Jackman, humanism, hunks, hyperbole, hysteria, ice, ideology, idiots, IHOP, imagination, Immigrant, Impersonating A Police Officer, inarguable, incest, indecorousness, Indians, indisposed, infamy, inheritance, injustice, innuendo, insouciance, instinct, instruments, intensifiers, interests, intervention, Irish, Irish Spring, Iron Chef, Isaac Asimov, Islam, isms, Italians, J.K. Rowling, Jack Nicholson, Jacob's Ladder, James Spader, Jani Lane, jargon, Jazzy Jeff, je t'aime, jeans, Jenny Lewis, Jenny Owen Youngs, jerks, Jerome, Jessica Alba, jewelry, jibs, Jimmy Eat World, Jimmy Fallon, jingoism, Joan, Joe Perry, Joe Walsh, John Basedow, John Edwards, John Waite, Johnny Marr, Jolly Green Giant, Joseph Heller, Jumping Off Bridge, June, juries, Kafka, Kahlil Gibran, kalamata olives, karma, Katy Perry, kazoo, Kevin Smith, KFC, Kick Door In, Kicked In The Face, Kidnapping, kites, kits, kiwi, Kmart, Knife, Kosovo, KPIG, Krypton, kung fu, L.A. Confidential, Lake San Antonio, lampshades, Larry King Live, Larry Mullen, larynx, laziness, Leap Year, Led Zeppelin, legos, Leonardo Di Vinci, Lethal Weapon 2, Liam Finn, license plates, lighthouses, limes, limits, Lincoln, Lindsay Lohan, Lionel Richie, liposuction, liquid, logarithms, logs, loofas, loons, losers, Luciano Pavarotti, lullaby, luxuries, Lyme Disease, Lynyrd Skynyrd, Macy's, Madonna, Maglite brand flashlights, Majestic Dragon, malted, mankind, mantras, marathon, marine botany, Mark Knopfler, Mark Wahlberg, Mary, masochism, maudlin sentimentality, MC Chris, MC Escher, MC Funkee Duncan, McCain, McMelty, McNuggets, medals, Medicare, mediocrisy, meekness, melitism, melodrama, memos, merchandising, Mercury, message, message boards, meteors, methamphetamine, methinks, method acting, Metric, Mexicans, Michael Crichton, Michael Dukakis, Michael Stipe, Michel Gondry, microbes, Midnight Oil, Mike Tyson, milkshakes, Milky Way, mindja, misanthropy, mockery, mold, mom, monarchy, Monet, monopoly, mood, mother-of-pearl, Motley Crue, motorcycles, Motorhead, Moulin Rouge, Mozart, mud, mundaneity, murdah, Mustangs, mustard, MySpace, mysticism, nails, naked, NASA, Natalie Portman, Neck Breaking Scene, necrophilia, need, Needle, neighborhoods, Neil Sedaka, neurophysiology, New Age, New Age crap, New Kids On The Block, New York City, New Yorker, Newcastle Brown Ale, Nicholas Kirkwood, nickels, Nicolas Cage, ninjas, Nixon, No Country For Old Men, No More Tears, noises, Noonie, normal, notability, novelizations, now, nudism, nuts, oats, obey, oblivion, occult, olives, OMG, On Through The Night, One Word Title, onus, onychophagia, openness, order, ordering, orders, orthodontia, outreach, overhead, Overturning Car, ovulation, Owen Gleiberman, Pac Man, pacifism, Pacino, pancakes, panties, parables, parking, Pascal's Wager, pastrami, pathos, Patrick Swayze, Paul Giamatti, Paul Hester, Paul Newman, peaches, peacocks, peahens, pedophilia, pee pee, penguins, pennies, Percy Bysshe Shelley, Pete Yorn, Peter Hook, pets, peurile, Phil Collen, Philadelphia, Phillies, phlegm, phobias, Photobucket, phrases, picketing, picks, picnics, pictures, pilots, Pinback, pineapple, Pistol Whip, pith, pizza, Plato, plays, plein-air, plumbs, plungers, pneumonia, pointlessness, points, poison, poker, Polynesia, pomposity, Ponce De Leon, pone, Poor Bee, Pop Star, Pop Tarts, popcorn, Portugal, posterity, potatoes, potential, poverty, Prague, preaching, precocity, prescriptions, pretty hard core shit right there, pretzels, prickles, pricks, priests, Prince, procreation, prodigies, productivity, progress, properties, prosciutto, prostheses, Prostitute, proverbs, prudes, PSA, pshaw, public transit, publicity, puerile, pumpkins, Punched In The Face, punk, puns, pyromania, Q-Tips, quality, question mark, Qui-Gon Jinn, quiche, rabbits, Racer X, rage, Raised Middle Finger, rants, razor blades, razors, Reagan, reality shows, recognition, redemption, refrigerators, relief, reminiscences, remorse, remote viewing, renaissance fairs, Renee Zellweger, requests, respect, Restaurant RIP, resumes, reverence, reveries, rewards, rhinotillexis, Richard Dreyfuss, right of way, Righteous Rage, rigor, Rivers Cuomo, roll, Rome, rose petal jam, roses, Rosey Grier, Roy Batty, Rufus Wainright, Russia, Ryan Karels, rye, SAAB, sacrilege, Saddam Hussein, sadism, sagacity, salt, same fucking thing, Santa Claus, Santa Cruz, scabies, scandals, scatology, schizophrenic, scholarship, scissors, Scorcese, Scott Baio, Screaming, screeners, sculpture, Scwewy Wabbit, sealing wax, self-recrimination, selfishness, sensation, sentences, sequels, service, sex offenders registry, Sex Trade, SFW, Shakespeare, shampoos, Sharpie®, shaving, sheep, shirts, shit pops, shizzle, shock, Shootout, shopping, Shot In The Arm, Shot In The Back, Shot In The Chest, Shot In The Forehead, Shot In The Leg, Shot In The Shoulder, Shot In The Stomach, Shot Through Window, showering, shrubbery, sighs, silicon, Simon and Garfunkel, sinners, slang, sluts, smartassery, Smashing Pumpkins, smell, snails, Snickers, snobs, snot, snuggling, soccer, Social Security, solid, Solvang, some guy, Sons of McBitches, Sophocles, sorry, soundtracks, space, Spanish, specifics, spin, Spit In The Face, spoilage, spontaneity, spores, Stabbed In The Arm, Stabbed In The Chest, Stabbed In The Leg, stagefright, stains, Stalin, stamps, standards, stardom, states, stationery, statistics, status, steak, Stealing Car, Stepfather, Stephen Colbert, Stephen Hawking, Stephen King, Steve Buscemi, Steven Tyler, Stevie Wonder, stigma, stilts, stimulus, Sting, stout, Strangulation, straw, struth, strychnine, stuff, subjectivity, submissiveness, substance, suck, suffering, sugar, summer, sunset, supplements, surfing, surrealism, Surveillance, sushi, suspects, sweat, Sweden, Sylvia Plath, symptoms, Taco Bell, Taken, Tape Recorder, Tarantino, TARDIS, taste, Tattoo, taxes, tea, Teddy Roosevelt, Teen Homicide, telepathy, Tennessee Williams, terrible, Th Dudes, Thai food, The Avengers, the Axis Powers, The Bangles, the barter system, the Blob, the blug, the bottle4, the British Antilles, the Brunching Shuttlecocks, the buddy system, The Coen Brothers, The Crane, The Crepe Place, The Crow, The Departed, The Edge, the English, the Fillmore, The French, The Godfather, The Grand Duke of Luxembourg, the Horse King, The Mach 5, the nasty, The Outer Limit, the possible, The Seldom Scene, The The, the Titanic, the UN, the West, the World Series, The X-Files, there should be, theremin, They Say, this guy, Thomas Merton, Thompson Twins, thorns, threats, Thriller, throw, Thrown Off Balcony, tidal waves, Tied To Bedpost, Tied To Chair, tigers, Tim McGraw, tins, today, Tolkein, Tom Cruise, Tom Petty, tombstones, tools, torpedos, Tortured To Death, tourism, towels, tradition, traffic lights, Trainspotting, Trapped In Elevator, trees, tribe, triumph, Troy Aikman, Tru-Coat, trucks, tsatsiki, tugboats, tuna, twins, twitch, tzatziki, Uh, ukulele, umlaut, Uncle Tim, undefeated, underground, uniqueness, unrest, up, upside-down globes, Usher, vacuum, vampires, vanity, vans, virtuoso, vodka, voicemail, Wachowskis, waffles, Wallace Shawn, walls, Wally Lamb, wanderer, warmth, Warren Zevon, watching, Waterworld, weaklings, Weezer, Westerns, whispers, whistleblowing, White House, whiteness, whores, wickedness, widows, will, Will Ferrell, William of Ockham, William S. Burroughs, William Shatner, winning, winter, Wolverine, Wonder Woman, wordplay, worry, X-Men, Yacht, yay, yelling, yo, yogurt, Yosemite, you, you know, Young Fresh Fellows, Zero Wing,
R.I.P. labels! May this post stand as an enduring testament to your everlasting worth.
This blog seems to be about the abundance of ideas and possibilities in life, and to restrict that abundance in any way kind of throws a wet towel on the whole concept. But fuck...
(oh, now I'm laughing, I'll never get back on track, damned sodomy)
I just can't bring myself to partially label posts. If this blog goes for another 2,000 posts (its at 2,013 posts now) then at least half of it will be fully labeled with full, kickass labels, and at least the point at which that stopped will be clearly demarcated. Better that than to have it so at some hazy point, labels just start to suck for no reason, and there's ones that you can see should be there but aren't.
It'll be fine!