JACK FORCE 2: The Opening Credits Montage Voiceover

"My name is Jack Force. Special Agent. Special Operative. Special Investigator. I run a hand-picked team out of a secret location. They call us: The Jack Force. We offer our crack crisis-busting services to the highest bidder of all: The U.S. Government. When no one else can seem to get the job done, they call in The Jack Force to bring law to the lawless, order to the orderless, and justice to those whose tired refrain is, 'There ain't no justice in this world, you know.' And if we see the chance, in-between the performance of our official duties, we try to bring a little help to the helpless, too. That's what The Jack Force is all about: helping people."


dogimo said…
Gosh damn it! I googled it up for a sec and it appears there already is someone or something out there in the world of high-stacks fictional entities that goes by "Jack Force." Well hell. I don't think I can get the same impact with a different name!

I guess if they want to use the above, they're welcome.