Do You Feel Lucky?

(and feel free to comment! My older posts are certainly no less relevant to the burning concerns of the day.)

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

My Favorite Pie Chart

Favorite Pie Chart
Thanks to

That's right. I just thanked the government. People crap and whine about taxes, but "s" on that! For my money, the government does a good job.

Given the available/interested labor pool.

EDIT: Whoops! Correction - sorry, I forgot one:
Favorite Pie Chart 2

That's better. That's accurate. Now I want to bake a pie to those exact fillings and proportions.

You can have the crazy slice.

EDIT2 1/24/2010: Damn it! I forgot PEACH! I'm not going to redo all that now. Just make the mental adjustment to your picture, figuring I like peach better than I like apple when I'm in the mood for it, and a little less than blueberry or cherry when I'm not. That would've been hard to chart out properly anyhow.


dogimo said...

MAN! Check out this dude's favorite pie chart. He's eaten more steak & kidney than apple?

Or maybe it's just, he was in a real steak & kidney mood when he was assigning values.

Wow. To those, their own.

dogimo said...

revised to reflect rhubarb (w/ or w/o strawberry) dominance

Elliott said...

Ah, rhubarb. This morning's post has my list o' favorites, but a graph? I'm gonna have to check that bad boy out.

limom said...

Not a big dessert fan, but now you got me thinking about a sheppards pie or perhaps a pot pie.

Anonymous said...

You fucker! I was going to do a pie chart today as well! Inspired by your pie entry. But now you've ruined it. SOB!

dogimo said...

No way, V.A.! Yours can't be ruined by mine. Mine's only about MY favorite pies!

Plenty of other people have done the form, as it turns out - a pie chart about pies. Probably all of the earliest pie charts were executed as literally, pies - until some bright renaissance type walked into the boardroom with a piece of paper and some wax crayons: "guys! There's a better - unmessier, less distractingly-delicious - way." Since then, the pie chart has become largely symbolic. But the Pie Pie Chart itself dates all the way back to that fateful day, and before.

A Pie Pie Chart can't be looked at in terms of mere originality, novelty, innovation. The form itself is long-established. It's the content the matters!

The filling.

You go for yours, VegAssa!

dogimo said...

@Elliott - that's the spirit! Go for it. In fact, how crazy would it be for you to graph yours out as a Sicilian...? I mean, as only one possible example. Actually, what a horrible idea. Arcs of a square? That spells geometrical disharmony!

@limom - Shepherd's pie? YES! The other, though - hey, I don't know how the legalities of the food-based delivery pan out over in sunny HI, but here in rainy CA, that's still illegal. Watch yourself, is all I'm saying.

Elliott said...

And yes, I posted my pie chart on today's post, down below the quiz portion.

Limom, shepherd's pie rocks, too. I think I know what to make for dinner now!