Do You Feel Lucky?

(and feel free to comment! My older posts are certainly no less relevant to the burning concerns of the day.)

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Blogging: Kind of a Funny Word, Isn't It?

Fun to say, though. "Web logging" wouldn't have worked as a verb version - it sounds like you're cutting down internet trees!

I thought in the new Star Trek, maybe they should have had Kirk have a blog, you know, just to update it a bit? That whole "Captain's log" thing - kind of passe. It could be like (oh, *SPOILERS*, I guess):
"Captain's blog. Stardate: random series of numbers that geeks will try to retroactively fashion into some more-or-less-meaningful code. Man, you won't believe what happened to me today, guys. What a weird day. I thought I'd never top that whole too-cool-for-school apple-chomping simulation hack, but I have to admit this tops that. So anyway, the fleet was attacked and destroyed by some weird Cthulu-looking mothership, that was sticking halfway out of a black holy warpy deal. Apparently, future Spock pissed these guys off, and they came back in time for revenge on the whole Federation! LOL, overreact much? (Still, you almost can't blame them - that Spock guy's a real tool, I cannot imagine he improves much with age). Luckily we got to the ambush too late to help, thanks to Sulu goofing around with the parking brake. So we didn't get destroyed like the others, but anyway, that bald guy (some kind of Xtreme Vulcan or something?) kidnapped our captain! So I get to be captain. All in all, pretty big day but I'm kind of tired."


limom said...

What would the Captain's blog be titled?
Hardcore Federation Action?
My Life at Warp Nine?
Romulans Suck!
Dilithium Crystal Chicks?

dogimo said...

I was thinking it'd just be called "Captain's Blog". Kind of understated, kind of official.

Yours are all pretty awesome suggestions, though.