Do You Feel Lucky?

(and feel free to comment! My older posts are certainly no less relevant to the burning concerns of the day.)

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

The Warning Signs of OCD

1. You begin to wonder whether you washed your hands already.

Don't do it! Don't wonder that - that's the first step down the road!

2. You're pretty sure you did wash your hands, but just to be safe you'll give 'em a real quick rinse off in the sink - you won't even use soap!

Who do you think you're kidding. That soapless rinse will torture your mind, and you'll be back at that sink within ten minutes, lathering up.

3. You start washing your hands for longer and longer periods of time, in hopes that the heavy-duty hand-washing will then impress itself better upon your memory, and you won't wonder about it.

See, you THINK you are combatting the onset of OCD here, by trying to shortcut the inevitable, recurring "hey, wait - did I wash my hands?" impulse. But really, by washing so extra-long and -thoroughly, you are just playing into OCD's scrupulously-clean hands. That's what OCD wants.

4. You find yourself making really detailed lists about your hand-washing.

Um. Let's pass over that one. That's self-explanatory.

5. You're washing your hands right now.

Hopeless. Helpless. I tried my best to help, but you're going to have to fend for yourself on this one, friend.

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