Name That Tune #30!

"You and I are being carried along by chronology
moving, unable to find our way, held fast to each other
by noon and evening, by sleight of illumination
I have to hit the road
we shall rendezvous under aliases

you felt my cardiac muscle to an impressive depth
you saved me, now put me at liberty
don't look at me weep, just watch me leave
the most powerful emotions you'll ever feel
I am taking them with me

The aloneness will not continue
in our confidential state of being apart
you felt my cardiac muscle to an impressive depth
you saved me, now put me at liberty...

you and I are being carried along by chronology
moving, unable to find our way, held fast to each other
by noon and evening, by sleight of illumination
I have to hit the road
we shall rendezvous under aliases
If you hang on to me it will make me go "ouch"
have courage!

The aloneness will not continue
in our confidential state of being apart
you felt my cardiac muscle to an impressive depth
you saved me, now put me at liberty...

We are a complimentary set: the little flying ember and the conflagration
trapped in infinite recapitulation
existence following identical existence indefinitely
gotta go before your heat sears me
I'm the one you don't know, who abandons you
yet ends up as your lover in a later existence

The aloneness will not continue
in our confidential state of being apart
you felt my cardiac muscle to an impressive depth
you saved me, now put me at liberty...

I will carry a wound of great worth, that only you have knowledge of..."


Mel said…
Secret Separation: The Fixx
Debbie said…
Oh, blogger, how I dig thee. "Secret Separation."
dogimo said…
Yes! Both correct. That's 1 for Mel for 1st right, and 0.3 for Debbie for later-than-first but still right. And that's it! That's the end. Thus endeth Name That Tune on Consider Your Ass Kicked! The FINAL TALLY:


Mel: 21.9
limom: 4
Elliott: 3.3
Pearl: 1
Sean: 1
Steam Me Up, Kid: 1
Debbie: 0.6
J-Bird: 0.3
snortingmarmots: 0.3

I'll be inaugurating a new series of Wednesday quiz game posts starting next week - look for it! It's going to be positively Shakespearian.
Mel said…

Not Kafkaesque.


But Shakespearian's cool too.