SCORING RULES (CHECK BEFORE YOU ANSWER! - no credit for partials!)
Today's Guess The Shakespeare Quote As Reinterpreted By My Buddy Rob:
Today's Guess The Shakespeare Quote As Reinterpreted By My Buddy Rob:
"Yo, mothers! You crazy or what? It's fucking late, this ain't karaoke night at Sheezy's! Clear out of my lady's house."
In recognition of the fact some of these may be HARD, hey, it may be that as weeks go by there could be 2 or 3 that languish in the backlog, as-yet-unsolved. I'll be sure to include in each weeks new post, a link to any unsolved puzzles that still sit there, "ripe for the taking!"
--Twelfth Night, Malvolio II.iii
We now have Lacrema in front and a two-way tie for 2nd, and Mel at 3rd!
#1 Lacrema: 2.9
#2 Edana: 1
#2 snortingmarmots: 1
#3 Mel: a bajillion!
Technically if there's a two-way tie for 2nd then the next place is 4th not third, but Mel jumps up a spot on pure awesome.