For breakfast today, a treat of a dish I like to call "Canadian Toast"! It's like French Toast, only with a twist.
First, put those eggs away. There's no egg batter involved in this dish! Which for one thing, makes the toasting process far simpler. Step One: choose some nice, substantial slices of bread and pop 'em in the toaster! Toast 5 minutes, or until toasted on each side.
Step Two, remove toast from the toaster and place on a serving plate. Or actually, whatever they call a regular plate. That'll do. Don't waste a lot of time choosing some special plate. Have a plate ready, or just pick one. It's critical to perform Step Two quickly!
Step Three: while toast is still toasty-hot, scrape and slather pats of butter right onto it. All over it! Use the knife, but be gentle. Work it in and around. If you feel the urge to say something out loud incorporating the phrase, "nooks and crannies," this is totally appropriate.
Step four: drench, pour and otherwise liberally drizzle the toast with pure Canadian maple syrup. Then serve and enjoy! Serves however many people are eating, divided by how much Canadian Toast they each get.
I call it "Canadian Toast" in honor of that pure Canadian maple syrup, and also because Canadian always seemed halfway between French and American to me, and so Canadian Toast is a sort of midpoint between French Toast, with its traditional egg batter treatment, and American Toast which traditionally omits the syrup entirely. Now there's a recipe that seems like the logical outcome of some kind of inevitable thought process!
Canadian Toast! It's not every day you get a breakfast recipe that incorporates a history lesson. Technically, it wasn't today either.
Bon appetite!
First, put those eggs away. There's no egg batter involved in this dish! Which for one thing, makes the toasting process far simpler. Step One: choose some nice, substantial slices of bread and pop 'em in the toaster! Toast 5 minutes, or until toasted on each side.
Step Two, remove toast from the toaster and place on a serving plate. Or actually, whatever they call a regular plate. That'll do. Don't waste a lot of time choosing some special plate. Have a plate ready, or just pick one. It's critical to perform Step Two quickly!
Step Three: while toast is still toasty-hot, scrape and slather pats of butter right onto it. All over it! Use the knife, but be gentle. Work it in and around. If you feel the urge to say something out loud incorporating the phrase, "nooks and crannies," this is totally appropriate.
Step four: drench, pour and otherwise liberally drizzle the toast with pure Canadian maple syrup. Then serve and enjoy! Serves however many people are eating, divided by how much Canadian Toast they each get.
I call it "Canadian Toast" in honor of that pure Canadian maple syrup, and also because Canadian always seemed halfway between French and American to me, and so Canadian Toast is a sort of midpoint between French Toast, with its traditional egg batter treatment, and American Toast which traditionally omits the syrup entirely. Now there's a recipe that seems like the logical outcome of some kind of inevitable thought process!
Canadian Toast! It's not every day you get a breakfast recipe that incorporates a history lesson. Technically, it wasn't today either.
Bon appetite!
I mean, it seems straightforward enough, perhaps even obvious to say that. But damn if I don't bet you'd have some clueless American pairing it up with the wrong breakfast meat, sprawling disastrously all the way off-theme!
Thanks for the prompt on the footnote, limom!
Australian Toast!
Found Magazine's contribution: