Who Was It That First Got All Inventive In The Kitchen?

Right? Who was that? Because that's who we ought to be honoring, right? I mean think about it, right at the early goings, everyone was all gathering, foraging...everything you had was either gathered or foraged...and then people would be like: well, here's what we've got. OK! Let's eat it.

Or okay, the hunting party comes back. Now we have meat!

Let's EAT IT FRESH AND RAW. Big game sushi, y'all.

I bet it was delishes, but yet, at some point somebody brought the fire. And people said "I like the crisp texture, and the fuller flavor this brings. I like the charred bits, particularly." But that on its own doesn't really add so much to the mix, in terms of complexity, so I ask you - who was it that first got all inventive in the kitchen?


That's who it was.

Just now, in fact. You people missed it. I'm not even going to tell you what I made, except to say, no capers were involved. I had capers, I just didn't think it was an appropriate accent to the dish.


BugginWord said…
Is it weird that I'm overcome with the need to watch The Great Muppet Caper? It is weird, isn't it? Damnit.
dogimo said…
If the Swedish chef's in there, then no: It Is Not Weird