You Know What The Biggest Problem With My Resume Is?

You know what the biggest problem with my resume is? That eight-year stretch when I was a ninja.

I mean, don't get me wrong, I loved that job! I'm proud of what I learned and what I was able to accomplish, and I kicked ass at it. It was incredibly fulfilling work. I mean, I was top-notch too - I was high-performance plus at that job. But ever since the injury (don't ask), I'm not really applying for those kinds of positions anymore, and while the skills translate very well to an office environment I find that listing that on there isn't helping me. I'm encountering a bit of bias, a bit of resistance from the narrow-minded Human Resources community out there in the job industry. I guess they just don't really like to see that on there.

It intimidates them, maybe.

But what else am I supposed to do? List an eight-year gap? I mean, be honest! If you were a Human Resources professional and you see a resume with an 8-year employment gap in it - isn't that going to raise questions?


Lunarchick said…
If I was drinking my coffee it would have come out of my nose. And trust me that is HIGH praise.

Secretly I had already guessed you were a ninja. Glad to know my Ninja-dar is still in working order.