Do You Feel Lucky?

(and feel free to comment! My older posts are certainly no less relevant to the burning concerns of the day.)

Friday, October 22, 2010

My Romance Novel So Far (a Fiction Friday exclusive!)

The moral of the story was regret.

Dastry St. Chain had finally gotten her vengeance on Bram and Selnique, but all of their suffering proved empty of the expected joys. True, she felt no guilt in it. There could be no question of any pangs of conscience! They had brought it all on themselves, both of them. First Bram, by rebuffing her interest so coldly - no one rebuffs Dastry St. Chain! - and then Selnique, by crossing her path. Wrong place, wrong time; wrong woman to cross.

Dastry St. Chain was not one to be crossed lightly.

But still, she felt pity, if not mercy. Pity for poor Bram - so straight, so forthright. So through-and-through. And pity too for poor Selnique; poor innocent, innocent, innocent Selnique.

Still, some are too innocent for their own good. Which is a flaw. Which is a fault in them; which makes it their own fault.

It was hardly the fault of Dastry St. Chain.


Pearl said...

You crack me up.

I think you could write out the yellow pages and find an interesting way to do it.


dogimo said...

Thanks Pearl!! You do me too great a credit, actually. Because you see, I tried that once. No good.

No good.