SCORING RULES (CHECK BEFORE YOU ANSWER! - no credit for partials!)
Today's Guess The Shakespeare Quote As Reinterpreted By My Buddy Rob:
Previous questions remaining open (THERE FOR THE TAKING!):
Guess The Shakespeare Quote, As Reinterpreted By My Buddy Rob #14
Scoring remains open until the first correct answer is posted! Full score for 1st correct answer, half score for all subsequent correct answers until close of scoring.
Today's Guess The Shakespeare Quote As Reinterpreted By My Buddy Rob:
"Man, these people are cheap. This wedding-buffet cold cut spread came from the same baked ham they served at dad's wake!"
Previous questions remaining open (THERE FOR THE TAKING!):
Guess The Shakespeare Quote, As Reinterpreted By My Buddy Rob #14
Scoring remains open until the first correct answer is posted! Full score for 1st correct answer, half score for all subsequent correct answers until close of scoring.
Did coldly furnish forth the marriage tables."
Hamlet Act 1, scene 2.
But Mel swoops in to scoop up the momentum! Now imagine what happens if you go back and pick up that previous one, too? See how having that unanswered one hanging out there adds a level of ever-present threat to the proceedings?
Hoo hoo for Shakespeare!
The Standings:
#1 Lacrema: 7.0
#2 Mel: 5.5
#3 snortingmarmots: 2.5
#4 Edana: 1.5