Do You Feel Lucky?

(and feel free to comment! My older posts are certainly no less relevant to the burning concerns of the day.)

Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Thought of the Day, Criticism

Criticism is overrated.


VEG said...


Dude, you're terrible at criticism.


dogimo said...

You're hitting me right in my whatever-the-reverse-of-an-Achilles-Heel is, Veg! My Achilles Head, I think. Or so my almost Herculean Intellect would lead me to believe.

But I love the self-contained sense of your remark. It's funny because at first I thought, "is this recursively self-nullifying?" And then I thought, "what the fuck does that mean?"

But I ended up at: it works either straight with an implied side of humorous feigned lack of self-awareness, or cheerfully up-front meta with the side-tongue overtly going (cheek-wise).

VEG said...

Yes. All of that. :) Yup.

I don't get out of bed until I've been recursively self-nullifying at least once.

dogimo said...

I love it when you fully endorse my wild flights of pedantry, VegeSassa!

Oo. I like that! VegeSassa. Veg-a-Sass-a.

I guess probably somebody already calls you that. Hm.