Do You Feel Lucky?

(and feel free to comment! My older posts are certainly no less relevant to the burning concerns of the day.)

Saturday, January 01, 2011

DAMN IT!!! Today's Saturday. Not Sunday!

Wow, rarely has any Saturday felt more like a Sunday! Something very hushed and holy about it. About today, I mean.


Okay, well: the previous post is now a very rare and special SATURDAY edition of my regular (?) Sunday Theology God Blog Post feature.

If you haven't read any of those, by the way, I heavenly recommend it. A click on any of several labels ("God", perhaps, or "theology" or "Sunday") will get you many but not all of them. Well worth a few clicks! Who blogs about God with as much rich wit, irreverence and piercing insight? I do.

Note, that's not really trash-talk there. I kind of thought it was at first myself, and I was about to go back and tone it down, but I read it again a couple times and basically, I just said that I blog about God with as much rich wit, irreverence and piercing insight as I do. Which, hey - that might be a big boast in someone else's mouth, but for me it's just the plain and humble truth! I do. Unfortunately, and be warned, half of everything - if the attempt is made to view it all as a whole - it might kind of conflict with itself. But that's just because I feel the topic is so big it deserves a lot of different viewpoints and tones! And you can probably tell I'm just making fun of it, sometimes (God loves those posts in particular!). Making fun of theology, I mean - not God per se.

But always know that if you're ever in any doubt as to the intent and/or extent of a given post, feel free to ask your sincere question right there in the comments! Put me on the spot, and watch me deal with your sincere query with astonishing ease and a certain quiet, disconcerting wisdom!

Let's change that to rich wit, irreverence and piercing insight, and occasionally: a certain quiet, disconcerting wisdom.

1 comment:

Mel said...

Don't be too hard on yourself, for some of us it is Sunday ... so really, this rich wit you speak of was on the money, speaking as one on the other side of international-date-line.