Do You Feel Lucky?

(and feel free to comment! My older posts are certainly no less relevant to the burning concerns of the day.)

Monday, February 21, 2011

Happy Presidents Day?

Why isn't there a Congressperson's Day, huh? How come there isn't a Senator's Day? At least combine the two and take care of both with a Legislators Day. What the hell? Why is it that the Executive Branch gets all the National Holiday love?

For that matter, where's the Judiciary, in all of this? Come on - if there's a Presidents Day then there ought to be a Supreme Court Justice's Day! This should have been ruled unconstitutional by now. It's a gross violation of Checks & Balances! What does this say about our "Triple System" - or whatever we call it? Checks & Balances! There's supposed to be the Executive Branch: that's the Check. And then there's the Legislature - that's the Balance. Then your Judiciary comes in right between them: The Ampersand. But with a Presidents Day and no Day for the other two - the whole thing's gone out of whack!

For God's sake, even the Secretary of State has a day. Well, he or she sort of has to share it with the other Secretaries, but it's still a pretty high honor, to have that Day, and to get, whatever. Flowers. Maybe a card from the boss. It's kind of nice!

But the Legislature and Judiciary are left out in the cold, Day-wise.

Hell, I guess thinking about it, this whole Presidents Day observance was probably trumped up by the Legislature in the first place, as an ass-kissing measure. I really don't picture it coming into being via Executive Order! Picture Abraham Fucking Lincoln laying that proclamation down..."Um, Four Score and Whatever, let's decree a Day to celebrate how big a boss I am of pretty much everything. Let's celebrate me for a change." And then his wife Martha would be all, "Hey Abe, better make it look a little better than that. Put in some of the other Presidents, too." But in fact, if you check your history - this never happened until much later. So my original theory is probably dead-on: Abraham Lincoln did it.

Or wait, no - my original theory was Congress did it! As an ass-kissing measure. Whew, the problem with me is that some of my reductiones ad absurdum get so plausible that they can kind of run away with you.

So anyway, yeah. Maybe Congress just felt they didn't need to pander to themselves on that one. But what the hell, Congress!

At least throw the Supreme Court Justices a bone.


JMH said...

How clever can one be? I giggled through all of this.

dogimo said...

Thanks, man! So did I!

So did I.