Do You Feel Lucky?

(and feel free to comment! My older posts are certainly no less relevant to the burning concerns of the day.)

Tuesday, February 08, 2011

I Thought of an Idea!

It was awesome.

Later I forgot it, but I remember how awesome it was. The idea itself has gone, but the glow of accomplishment it left behind, man. I'm still enjoying it.

I'm sure the idea itself will come back around at some point! Probably. Of course, then again maybe it won't. But who cares? I'm still just basking in the glow.

Man, I love getting ideas like that. Those are the best kind.


Jeannette StG said...

Oh wow, I didn't know others went through this too (just kidding)!
But...I got tired of this, so I now write in a journal that I use as "an idea-book", so I don't have to reinvent the wheel a hundred times:)

dogimo said...

Ah, jeannette! I've got a tiny pen tucked inside my wallet, and business cards written over both sides in a close, cramped hand with band names, song lyrics, idea snippets and miscellaneous bits of business but still some of them just slip through, get away before I can write it down.

When I'm home of course I go with the more traditional marble composition book.

But yeah, somehow they get away.

Mel said...

My sister gave me this little notebook (pictured) for Christmas. Unsurprisingly, it remains in its original, pristine condition.