"Hundos To Bums"

Once again it's time for me to bring it forward on the conscious tip.

It's a key feature of rap culture braggadocio to boast over one's heavy-spending lifestyle. Yet rarely if ever is this impulse put towards a positive direction, society-wise. When was the last time you saw a rap star spitting hot rhymes about how much they give to charity on a regular basis?

Yet if done right, I believe a few good examples in that charitable direction could open a veritable floodgate of ready cash for the needy, and others in need. The packed wallets of big-spending rap impresarios stand ready, awaiting the next big-spend status trend. Why not charity? We all know rappers are living large and spending hard. They're very up-front about that. What if such a powerful financial force could be harnessed and unleashed, to ease the suffering at large? Imagine how much good it could do, if the next hip trend became - to give? There could even be slogans to pump up the trend. I can't think of any, but hey it's my idea. I wrote the song! Others can come along after with slogans. "Live Large. Give Hard." Something like that.

Don't be scoffing, holmes. Why can't it happen? All that's needed is the good example, to turn a fluke genius idea into today's hot trend. Most of us want to do good. All it takes is a few to lead the way. And I stand ready to be first among those few.

Here, then, is my opening shot in the salvo. As usual - as almost always - I start from home, to keep where I live real, so my charity example is right down to street-level. But I expect that those who follow up in my footsteps, all up in my footsteps as it were, will put their own unique twist on it. Such as "I keep pimpin' them whores to give more to dot-orgs!"

That wouldn't be my twist. Whores, pimpin' - that's not true to my own experience, to my life. But let others whose twist it is put that twist to it!

Admittedly, even the below example is perhaps an exaggeration, but that only underscores the hyperbolic power of the street poet. I give you: "Hundos To Bums"

"Hundos to Bums"

Every bum who's the recipient of my largess, says
"what the fuck - is it for real?" I said YES
he said BULL SHIT
isn't it sad?
That's like a comment on the world
how many people are bad
for this bum to come, doubting my hundos
my hundos
my hundos flow
from the government fundo
the A.T.M.
straight into my hot hot hands
then I walk down the street
here I come! I'm the man
who gives hundos to bums
hundos to bums!
who gives hundos to bums?
I give hundos to bums!
left and right, hands out
high-five each one -
slap a hundo in each hand
I give hundos to bums!

my hundos are true
hey yo - I'm not a jew!
not like jews are known for counterfeits
it's more they're known for avarice
but jews can be so generous
and many are philanthropists!
yet still they get accused as if
it's all about the money, yo!
that's bullshit and you know it is
I'm giving out my funds as though
to cold-disprove this slight against
what some would say, my jewishness
it's true that I'm not jewish, but
the cold injustice hits me hard
somebody said I look jew-ish
and so I have to be on guard
to combat anti-semitists
and represent on jews behalf -

Break it down! Aw yeh that's right

I'm like a stone cold jew in a stereotype!!
trying to fight his way out!! hey now -
that isn't nice!! you know a stereotype is like WRONG,
and I'm RIGHT.

Ask the bums - 'cause they know!

hundos to bums
I give hundos to bums!
who gives hundos to bums?
I give hundos to bums!
left and right, hands out
high-five each one -
slap a hundo in each hand
I give hundos to bums!

That's the end of the song, so far. It would be good to get a guest verse in from a known emcee, just to help move along the example, to help people feel inspired to maybe "pay it forward" as it were. Like a hundo. Charity could be a whole new kind of bling, except it's a bling you wear on the inside. That's my message with this one.

So you know - that whole conscious detour in the second verse took me a bit by surprise myself! The issue of antisemitism is one I feel strongly about though, and stereotypes in particular are bull shit, so, I'm glad it kind of came up in the midst of my free-form writing binge. Right on. I love working different issues in, around a central theme!


Mel said…
I'm no known emcee, but I think this is a brilliant idea and wanted to have a go at a guest verse... so here goes ...

he’s a cash dispensing machine
dealin' money is his scene
ain’t no receipt for this transaction
doing things by halves?
fool, no!
this ain’t no fraction!
the notes have a one followed by two o’s
but he ain’t spendin’ it on no hoes
unless the ho’s are followed by some bo’s
aw yeah I’m talkin’ about hobos
listen to my flows
handin’ it out
all the time
to those dudes
without a dime
being a Samaritan
ain’t no crime
that’s me done
back to the rhyme

hit it
dogimo said…
Hm. I think we really need marquee value, with the guest verse, the whole point is to bring in a big name to add boost to the movement.

But I like your sass and verve, Mel, and I'd like to use you. Maybe take it in a different direction, what if you sang the R & B hook?

I love your verse, though Mel. I especially love where you explicate the "hobo" part. YES. Nice!
Mel said…
Cool, I’m down with that and you’re so right, it needs a big name on board. What I could do in the mean time, while you are locking in the finer details (*cough* Kanye and Bono *cough*) is change my name to MC Marky Mark Key Value so that when the promoters/record companies etc say to you, as you pointed out, “we really need marquee value” I can appear and be all like “whadupwhadupwhadup”.
dogimo said…
You know back when I was an emcee, I actually dropped a line like that, "My name is not Mark, but still I'm up on the Mark-KEE"

Like, marquee.

I wonder if we could work Marquis in there. The Marquis Du Marquee.

Technically probably "De La."
Mel said…
Some say the revolution's defunct, but we's got the Marquis de Funk

So you best holler if ya want his dollar