Do You Feel Lucky?

(and feel free to comment! My older posts are certainly no less relevant to the burning concerns of the day.)

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Man, Things And People Just Keep Getting Worse!

Labor leadership doesn't give a shit what businesses it puts out of business, or sends packing to parts foreign. All they care about is bragging to the constituency how much more blood they squeezed from the stone.

Business on the other hand, doesn't care about serving the customers or keeping employees happy - not really. Business just wants to make sure their quarterly earnings report looks inflated enough to keep the investors licking their chops!

Politicians don't care who they get into bed with or how badly the general public gets fleeced - as long as they can brag to their constituency how much sweet fat pork they brought home in the bacon barrel for the home team, and how they diverted all the nasty, contaminated, or radioactive stuff into other people's backyards.

People in general aren't interested in helping each other. They just want to feel like they "got over" on the other guy. They don't want fairness - they want special treatment. The dude who minds p's & q's and puts in the fair share, and takes out only what they "need" or "deserve" - conventional mores brand that dude a sap!

Scientists, don't get me started on those pricks. Fattening their coffers on research grants for things like skinless bananas, while AIDS and Cancer go uncured!

Man. Once I got rolling on the outrageously over-broad cynical generalizations, it was hard to stop! Look at how invalid half that stuff is. We all know honest, decent, true people in all those categories! People of high ideals, who put people first (ahead of the ideals, even). I'll try to do better, to balance the picture.

Lawyers are good folk. Decent, hard-working folk who strive to help the common citizen lost in a maze of intricacies they can't hope to navigate on their own. That's lawyers.

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