You Don't Really See Wine Coolers Advertised These Days.

I would like a wine cooler. But I wish they had grape flavor. How come they don't have grape flavor?

Seems like that would be a natural.


lacrema said…
You don't make your own wine coolers? Just take a big cup. Fill it 2/3 of the way with Pinot Grigio. Then mix in one big spoonful of frozen juice concentrate (YES I HAVE USED GRAPE, and YES I SEE THE JOKE IN ADDING GRAPE JUICE TO WINE), and then top it off with Tonic water. I use diet tonic and add a twist of lime.

Be careful because they are so delicious you will drink more of them than you would think you would.
dogimo said…
TONIC water? Doesn't the quinine goof up the flavor profile??
dogimo said…
Thanks for the recipe, though - that does sound pretty awesome!

Mel said…
This is exactly what it was like in Australia in the 90s. I was there. Good times.

My fridge is still stocked with this stuff. Not many of us left drinking it now. Shame.
dogimo said…
Do you have any Grape, Mel?
Mel said…
No, but I do/did have 30 bottles of Rekorderlig I am methodically and diligently working through.