Rejected Very Serious Thread Ideas (old forum: none of these people are welcome, there anymore: NO CONCERN CONCERN)


Ever notice we get no trolls in here?

Partly it's the caliber of people Allie attracts, of course. But also, I think a place like this is just not much fun for trolls. Trolls don't like places where their best efforts at trollery are deftly turned ridiculous and made jolly good fun of! Trolls want to be taken seriously. Trolls enjoy places where people overreact, make much over some ridiculously tiny thing, and are oversensitive and yell about this or that easily-obeyed rule - generally rules that any troll worth its salt can easily frustrate you even worse by staying well within. Trolls like places where they can plant themselves in place and make people nuts.

BUT YOU KNOW WHAT? For one thread, for this one thread? Maybe we let a little of the ol' inner troll out! GROUND RULES: RULE #1 APPLIES. Bear in mind that what makes a real troll so maddening is their ability to operate within the rules and yet still CRAZY PEOPLE UP and stir up the bad feeling with their exasperating attitudes and assertions! A troll is not someone who comes in and calls your mother a republican slut. Someone like that would do no damage at all on ANY forum (let alone this one): a member would report the post, the post would be speedily removed and probably a warn/suspend/ban as needed on the poster. No, a troll is the poster who is reasonable enough and smart enough to stay WELL WITHIN all lines, so as to become the most disruptive presence on a given forum, and ruin all peoples' fun, and lead people to say - "Don't feed the troll." Because a REAL troll has that talent. You can't figure out a way to deal with them by any means except "stop encouraging them!"

So here's a thread for all of us to have some trollish fun! Stuff like:

* unjustified hauteur, italicized foreign words, use of hoity adjectives such as "peurile" (and preferably misspelled now and then on the more pretentious words)
* building maddeningly quasi-logical yet clearly idiotic-on-the-face-of-it cases over completely irrelevant things, than holding unshakeably to them in the face of reasonable remonstrance
* casual yet ultimately not-rude dismissiveness, in general

BUT BEAR IN MIND - like other threads that toy with the idea of aggro, making fun of it and robbing it of its force and vigor (the Flame Love thread being my personal favorite example) Rule #1 Applies In Full Force. Therefore, as in any thread, in this thread there shall be POSITIVELY NO:

* personal insults
* personal attacks
* personal ANYTHING

Anything attacko like that will be instantly removed by mods just like on a real tightass forum! We have to be a bit more tightass in the TROLL THREAD because...HERE BE TROLLS (AND THEY BE US!). But a real troll doesn't resort to personal attack, alas - they don't make it that easy on you. A real troll limits itself to being infuriating and hard to pin down, does not make [i]ad hominem[/i] attacks (in fact, a troll will NOTORIOUSLY cast almost ANYTHING you say about them as an ad hominem attack! - employ this sweet troll trick to the hilt in this thread!), keeps itself casually yet infuriatingly haughty and dismissive by implication, yet impeccably and technically polite, tactful, "in-bounds." THAT'S A TROLL.

It's a petty little game, but like any petty little game - could be fun to have fun with and make fun of! Play fun my little faux trolls.

Let's keep it in this thread, though of course.

MISERABLE lies, SINCERE consolation/advice!
Everything you say in here as far as complaints go, make it a total fucking lie. Something horrible, something miserable, but something that is not actually happening.

But all the support, advice, and encouragement you give to [i]other's complaints[/i] should be purely on the legitimate! 100% sincere - just as if their miserable problem were not a miserable lie!

IMPORTANT NOTE: Um. I don't think this is funny. Or, supposed to be funny, really. I doubt it would be? Anyway. Don't waste your time trying to think of how this is supposed to be funny! That's good advice. Probably, good advice for any thread I start! Just jump in, do it up, see what happens.

It's more like a...freeing...THOUGHT...exercise.
How Did I Miss That The First Time?

This is for those of you who don't feel comfortable


I figure this goes in the member section, because it could involve disclosures of a personal nature.

EDIT: OOPS, I totally meant to put in the general member section. Not the photo section! Sorry. I'll fix that.

Perhaps you would consider the cinema of the Caribbean?

Sorry About The Parade!

This is the thread for you to apologize about any parade in which you were involved, in which you feel your performance or contribution was such as to call for apology.
Disclosures That Could Easily Give an Internet Predator a Dangerous Advantage Over You

Post 'em here!

Whose Phone Number You Wish You Had!!!

Songs you wish you had on your iPod

So What That Let You Know

Sane people don't think things like that are funny. I think that's funny. So what that let you know?

USED Make Your Sad Into A Blues Song

Sometimes the worst pain you can feel in life, or whatever calamity that befalls, you can sometimes give your heart a little room around it to heal, when you reach deep down deep inside of you and turn that sad into a Blues Song.

You don't have to be a skilled songwriter. The rules are simple, you say thing that hurt you, very plain and matter of fact. Then you go "Lorrrrrd," and you say it again: just that exact. And for the third line, you add something that comments on that thing. And ideally it should rhyme with it, too.

I'll start things off with the first one:

My girlfriend threw me out of the house in the middle of the night when I was drunk
Lorrrrrd, my girlfriend threw me out of the house in the middle of the night when I was drunk
Who woulda though she'd do such a think, man, I never would have thunk

Things You Wish The Other Person Would Say to You During Sex

"Your penis is like a lightning rod, catching bolts from my orgasms."
The Immediate Retraction Thread

One time I fuckin' FELL down the stairs and I DIED.

It's Just An Internet Forum, Guys
Velitas Fanfic
Say What You Like But Don't Say What It Is
dogimo likes the opposite motion of the two halves.
USED The "Arguing To Win" Thread
Critiquing From Ignorance

The rule on this thread is, to give a powerful, incisive, in-depth critique of any movie or tv show you haven't seen, any book you haven't read, any song or album you haven't heard - etc. etc. you get the idea! You can base your critique on anything - EXCEPT the work in question!
Lie About Your Horrific Medical Symptoms Here

Ok, I'm experiencing weird, shooting pains all up and down on what feels like the [i]inside[/i] of my ribcage.
Lie About Your Sex Life Here

I just had the most incredible

What Mildly Annoying Thing Made You So Horny You Were Frothing With Rage Today?
I'm so horny I want to abuse someone
HEY! What?

It's the HEY! What? thread. The rules are: you come in, shout somebody's name. You could say "JAFFA!" or "HEY, JAFFA!" for instance. Then when they see it, they come in, responding: "What?" But you never explain what or say what it is you wanted them for!

Note: unlike some games in this section, it's not one of those deals where A then B then C then D. In fact, fifty different people could come in shouting fifty different other peoples' names on one day, and then those people come in all staggered going "- What?" for weeks! Just whenever they happen to notice! And in-between all that, new people coming in, shouting names.

I'll start things off.

The Nonsexual Orgasm Thread

This is the thread for sharing your experiences with and talking about nonsexual orgasm. PLEASE people, don't ask me for examples or explanation! If you don't know what it is, if you haven't experienced nonsexual orgasm, if you perhaps are one of those unfortunate souls incapable of nonsexual orgasm, my heart goes out to you but I'm not going to be able to explain it to you. I'm sorry, I'm just not going to be able.

Don't bother googling either, waste of time. You can't get any sort of real appreciation of nonsexual orgasm by googling.

Anyway, those of you who know what I'm talking about - have at it!

This is the place to leave a totally out-of-context HINT to anyone, based on a conversation elsewhere on the forum. You can name the person if you want - or you can not name the person! Which would make it all the more "hintier"!




I'm so ashamed of myself, I'm horny.

I'm so horny I want to abuse someone.

USED "Finished Reading my PMs!!!"
YES!!! I just finished reading my PMs! No new messages in the ol' Inbox.
I thought I'd start a thread for all of us, to post in whenever we reach that particular personal milestone of achievement!

Say That Again

I wanted to quote you, but
[quote:gertie] Dogimo, I absolutely have to agree with you on the egg. There is a perfect over medium egg. Not everyone can reach that, but usually a good short order cook who knows his equipment can. Then awesomeness happens in my mouth.

The PUSSY THREAD. "For those who won't post in the boob thread or the butt thread." My first post would just be a big ol' picture of me looking dumb! Just my face. I can't do this because my camera's got issues. Otherwise this would be a fine thread idea, and not a rejected one.

USED - WHO FARTED in this thread? It totally wasn't me. It smelled like this when I walked in here.

APOLOGIES I am sorry for everything I have done, and everything I failed to do. Except the awesome stuff.

"I'm So Bad"

What's More Important

toilet paper or paper towels
USED the topic but not the example - You May Not Believe This About Me, But...

I greatly prefer CD2 of the 2-CD Pet Shop Boys b-sides/rarities compilation Alternative to CD1 of same.
So. These are several of the dread purposes to which I have decided to put this thread.

FB-style updates "Hey, maybe I can use this thread as an occasional 'Facebook Status Update' to all my VS loves and buddies I miss so much when work starts to suck me into its vortexual maw. "

Absconding with Quotes from other sections to expand into tangents and possible discussion "I think another thing I'm going to use my own thread for is if I want to snip a snippet of conversation elsewhere in another topic that feels like it might be offtopic to expand upon there, and post it here. Jawin' with dogimo!

I find this approach is totally indicative of who I am and what I'm about."

#3. Hey Dogimo, Could You Say Something About This?

You know what Emeee? I'd like to add this unto to the Official Uses of the Dogimo Forum Manual Thread:

1. For people to note important facts they've observed (about dogimo)
2. For dogimo to note important facts people may not have yet observed (about dogimo)
3. For anyone to drop a link into, and draw dogimo's attention to a discussion taking place elsewhere that they feel would benefit from dogimo's involvement and/or that he will regret he's missing out on, i.e. "Hey dogimo, check out this discussion taking place elsewhere that I feel would benefit from your involvement and/or that you will regret missing out on?" AKA "Hey Dogimo, Could You Say Something About This?"
4. "Jawin' with dogimo" - because let's face it, sometimes a PM just feels too private! Sometimes you want to leave a big friendly door open for any ol' friend or stranger to wander into it all, howdy-do.

And now, to these official purposes (all of which are subsumed under the Forum Manual overarching purpose of my forum manual thread being "totally indicative of who I am and what I'm about"), inspired by Emeeekay I add this dread [i]fifth purpose[/i] to the other dread purposes already outlined:

5. To suggest things that you believe would be totally "Dogi"

I find this approach is totally indicative of who I am and what I'm about."

