Tuesday, June 11, 2024

$2 Bets #1: GO FUND WE: For the abject decimation of Pedophilia as a de facto Institution of the Roman Catholic Church.

I am about to start a page called GO FUND WE. 

Please start your own page on gofundme dot com and submit a comment below. Buy-in Pledge is Two Dollars American (U.S.). Include in your comment: 

1. Your URL for your GoFundMe Page. 

2. Your literal pledge stating that you will contribute TWO DOLLARS to your own cause. 

Your welcome!

Was always assured, here. 


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"Hot as"

It's hot as a pincushion out there.  I mean a pincushion made of full -on artificial fibers, left out of the  shade of the sun to melt, ...