BABYFIGHT. Pitch #2 On This Score, I Think.

Inspired by: BABY RACE 1: "COME ON, DENVER!!"

What a show!

OK. That's not the same one someone sent me on CYAK! sister-site "Instagram." However, turns out there are tons of these!


The whole thing reminds me of the video game I came up with: BABYFIGHT.

It would be a standard head-to-head faceoff featuring customizable characters with varying ability and control of their emotions and movements. Two babies of about that age (can't talk) are "playing" on the floor.

In the background one can see the legs (clad sensibly: jeans, sweats or bare with shorts or skirts out of view) of the primary parent present for each child, who is always dressed appropriately in a color scheme that match's baby's custom or default dress code. The better you get at controlling your baby avatar, the more you can TAKE OUT the opponent! Progress is measured by knocking the squittle de doo out of the other baby's "Cry Bar" which changes from white, to hot gold, finally to BRIGHT FLASHING CRIMSON registering hits, grabs (fingernail scrapes if baby needs a manicure, etc.), plus any frustration pins. Beneath the baby on top, normally, but any and all objects or obstacles are also "in play."
The more action in the arena floor, the more the parents are likely to provide bonus objects, weapons for hitting, burying the opponent or playing tug-of-war. The Cry Bar is probably more about frustration and discomfort unless the bar goes ALL FLASHING GOLD (comfort power-up) or SOLID BROWN: HUGE COMFORT POWER UP! Might result in sudden parental or carer-based disqualification if anyone suspects. 

Yes, you can reach into your diaper for more effective hand-to-hand "BROWN STRONG" damage.



Is to get the other baby's parent (mom, dad or other parental sit-in) to rush over and lift the LOSER BABY out of contention. The victor's Cry Bar is liable to take a huge hit from any loud scolding or getting whipped away from a toy, or from the arena. Background music or visual display comes from whatever's on television or the radio. This is customizable per parent or carer. Each baby, though, has their own player-selected INNER THEME which gains in pitch, tempo volume as they succeed. Watch out for Mozart.

Mozart is the dog. We'd periodically hear a dog bark out front or back, or from one side. MUTUAL BABYSTUN, until one is successfully able to impersonate a dog! With the possibility of big laugh paralyzing powerup, restoring one's Cry Bar to full white, but rendering baby temporarily disinterested in the main event. If the parent or carer whose home it is let's Mozart in, everybody loses. Mozart separates the combatants with her wet dog nose nuzzling and snuffling, and pops stiff and erect pointing to any soiled diaper in need of immediate change!

Humiliations galore.
