"Hot as"

It's hot as a pincushion out there. 
I mean a pincushion made of full
-on artificial fibers, left out of the 
shade of the sun to melt, essentially and 

with so many pins stuck in it, there are
curlicues of smoke arising. Hot as 

a pincushion, obviously! 

It's not a pun. No figurative 
sense to it. It's no allegory, 
sometimes you hiss and scratch 
at your own eye's red blotch because

the sun is so hot you wish 
it would just go blau


end it all
in a little over seven
and one half minutes but 


no, please. 

Bad wish, it would 
be unfair 

to the animals, who 

let's be honest never
thought this life was 
ever going to or supposed 

to be

Anywhen, it's all bound 
to happen on Earth to who 
so ever's left alive, by that 


so hot 

you could hear a pin drop if 
you could pull it out by the tip without
getting stabbed, pricked, burnt 

on the inside 

of your tendermost 

