Open Response to "Best Breakup Ever" Social Media Notification (feel free to cut and paste when you see one!):

Doesn't it feel like that's always the way it should be?

I say "in love" is made of four (4) things, and the first and foremost has to be love of this other human BEING. If you've got that, and assuming neither person acts in a way where the other's like "You were never the person I thought you were!" (real, major betrayal), then how can your natural response to the other ever be short of love? Love, trust, and a strong mutual willingness to better the state of the relationship.

Sometimes "better" is a step down, step back, but it's never into hate, vengeance or resentment if the love you were "in" to begin with was the SAME love: based on and rooted in each other's real being.

Wow. I sound like a New Age Woo Woo guru, but it's true to my experience.

Bravo to you both, and kudos to you.
