Tuesday, June 11, 2024

Tough Topics #B: Scriptural Exegesis

I tend to take a cultural anthropological view on any given scripture. Seems to me the Greeks beat Israel to monotheism by a long stretch. The “Deus” discussed philosophically by Democritus, Epicurus and others is quite obviously not Zeus. Yet that hypothetical God shared all three planks of the modern monotheistic premise: Infinite. Eternal. Personal.

Beyond that, whooo nelly. God (if any)’s specific fiddly aspects? I say must surely be God’s business, vain to discuss since impossible to nail down (yikes: except in perhaps a given instance). Figuring God’s infinite aspect alone out would be anxiety-making for sure!

Yet the concept of an ultimate pass-catcher for any and all bucks too big for any of us? A concept, if you like: but one we can dish our worst insoluble problems to, and cease worrying about what one can’t make or do. That has powerful evolutionary benefit for a given population. Even, powerful psychological benefit for the individual. Simple as A.A.’s Serenity Prayer, yet lifechangingly powerful to anyone who’s been at or cracked right through rock bottom, and looked up to find (or found) human community. Or communion.  

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"Hot as"

It's hot as a pincushion out there.  I mean a pincushion made of full -on artificial fibers, left out of the  shade of the sun to melt, ...