Clickbait Critiques #19: Explain This For Us Please Somebody


It's pretty obvious why "Baby Godzilla" and "Baby Kong" should not be explained. 


The so-called "Titans" are all the same species. Godzilla is Kong's mother! Mothra was the gate-crashing, beloved-by-all bridesmaid at the secret "wedding" (FOUL RITE; VILE, VILE RITE by misbegotten human "so-called" family values) of Mother Godzilla, Son Kong and Mothra Itself. 

They can all interbreed, fool! 

  1. None of them are saurian, none of them mammalian. Etc.
  2. They're merely Sauroform, Mammaliaform or Mammoform, and so forth. Look at each and any of them! It's obvious! They're huge.
  3. Any given offspring of these huge ones gets the form they're conceived with in the huge, DNA unzipping and hot lock performed right in public. Under the Earth's crust in that little love-lamp orgy house they barely let us glimpse in that one flick. Come on! 

It's time to grow up and demand these "CBR" articles quit trying to "tear the veil" on a secrecy that fools no one, no one at all on Earth or in any multiple Earth yet conceived, perverted and repulsive, devised, otherwise OR wise: we want out. 

We don't want to know. Trust me. 

If these things can't be kept between the monsters UTTERLY RULING the fast-fading and polymorphously irrelevant "Monarch-A-verse" they keep shoving past our lips, our unwilling teeth and dire side-to-side head bobs, what the hell? 

Is nothing sacred? 

Where there's nothing sacred: nobody better be scared in the theater when the hot hard secret of Baby MothGeezra is finally nauseatingly pupated forth on the huge, immersive, abusively loud "surround 'verse" delivery system, pal. 

I'll be the one with his "hand" slipping into your "popcorn bag," if this keeps up. 
