Pithy Potshot Clickbait Critiques #18: How not?

No, "drunk" or "high" is not the answer. 

Just watch them in original release order! With your baby! If you have a baby. 

I mean here with your "mate." Not in the Australian sense. No mere "'Ay, mate!" is likely or liable to agree to this sort of project. It has to be someone voluntarily and consensually bound to you for life (or 'til the death part, anyhow), for them to start saying things like, "OK. I recognize and understand Godzilla." And "Let's get this out of the fucking way in one binge then, and DONE WITH IT. NO MORE TALK OF WHAT YOU BENIGHTEDLY, FALSELY CALL 'Goijira,' ass." And, after a pause for breath: "It's GODZILLA! THE WHOLE WORLD KNOWS It Is Godzilla." 

Damn right it isn't. Watch 'em all. 

In original theatrical release order, with the original theatrical release versions only. If a given film was released in substantially different form, home versus abroad: go for it. Watch both! If you like dubbed, watch the dubbed one. Subtitles? Hey. As my brother once quipped: "I can't stand the films with the subtleties." This is YOUR JOINT CALL, kids. DO IT

Do it in order, come on! Then you can do the historical research between films to see what the hell was going on around here. Japan, here. Wherever you are. Include the 1996 American version!

Include 'em all. 

"In-universe chronology" is literal Common Era dating release order, bud. 

What universe are you in, anyway? Think there's a bunch? 

Not from where we sit watching every Godzilla movie in chronological order there isn't. 
