Do You Feel Lucky?

(and feel free to comment! My older posts are certainly no less relevant to the burning concerns of the day.)

Saturday, August 22, 2009

Commenting For This Post Is Disabled

This post has basically been shut down and the original text moved here

Apologies for the inconvenience. Couldn't be helped. Stalker took over the whole comment thread, nothing to do with the post topic!

EDIT: taken from the comments, here's a recap of the respective complaints:
... here's the tally, for those scoring at home:

She blatantly admits to doing/has done right here in this comments queue:
* Threatening me with posting private information and embarrassing photos of me which she claims she paid for with her luxurious surplus of funds
* claiming that her relations are in the process of using my data and e-mails as the basis for a thesis on abnormal psychology
* monitoring every post on my blog and obsessively ferreting out whatever coincidences she can find between her blog and mine
* scouring the blogs of any commenter of mine in order to find any other "damning" instances of "mirrored" posts
* repeatedly throwing out half-understood aspects of my private life with accusations of lie or inconsistency, in a really rather transparent attempt to get me to divulge further personal details to her while "clarifying" the ostensible inconsistency
* vividly remarking on her repulsive fascination with me
* accused me of lining up other commenters to "fuck over" (presumably via my usual vicious method of alluding to their blog posts)
She has also done, privately:
* sent me many, many unwanted messages of love, unswerving commitment to "our future", and some blatantly sexual material

All of this while I have been for the past several months begging her to stop contacting me entirely.

MEANWHILE, according to Her, here is what Joe's done. Her entire accusation against me now boils down to:
* Joe has allegedly read Her blog
* Joe has allegedly posted on his blog, posts that were very tenuously, very tangentially "inspired by" posts on Her blog.

That's it. That's what Joe has been doing. And it's not as if She has ever told Joe to keep away from her blog. She has made it clear she'd LOVE Joe to read her blog. That's what this is all about: She needs to PROVE Joe is and has been all along, incredibly interested in her and her blog.

And meanwhile Joe's not interested. Joe is not reading Her blog. Joe just wants Her to go away and stay the hell away. Joe continually tells her so.

So. That's why She says Joe is obsessed with Her.

Which of these two persons is the stalker? Let's just let the facts kind of sit there.


I'm not sure. It seems pretty close.


Jamie said...
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
Unknown said...

I thought the best way to kill yourself was to glue your hands to the sides of your head, then hang yourself with cheesewire. It'll look like you pulled your own head off.

I'm a wild blackberry..super tasty.

dogimo said...

I LOVE blackberries. I still go blackberry picking, every year it doesn't somehow slip past me.

As I recall, my next-younger sister used to go determinedly wild some summers, filling up big tupperware bins with sweet plump blackberries from up and down the neighborhood's ample brambles, so that she could then parcel out her bumper crop into good-sized portions and SELL it at a fat profit to the other kids!

She'll deny it, but it's all true.

dogimo said...

As to the suicide method - ingenious, but the New Detectives would sniff that one out!

But what a thrilling episode it'd make.

Anonymous said...

>I'm a wild blackberry..super tasty.

Did I miss something? Talk about a non sequitur.

dogimo said...

Not so! But you kind of had to be there.

The end of June. A magical time!

I think I was a bunny.

Anonymous said...

Blackberries as woodland creatures? O-kaaaaay.

(This was a gift. You missed half of them. It's OK though. Turning blue has probably left your brain starved for oxygen thus rendering you, ahhh, impotent?)

dogimo said...

A sentient blackberry? I'd say so. But everything created is a creature. Even some things not truly created, as well: creatures of pure fantasy.

As to the other stuff, I'm a bit perplexed, but thanks for the comment!

dogimo said...


I just got it!

What on earth have you been doing? Combing the whole thing?

Wow. Please don't even feel you need to bother. It's hardly important, or worth further effort.

God, you're such a creep.

Anonymous said...

Ahahhahahaha! I was BORED and you're soooo endlessly AMUSING. How long are you going to keep your little obsession going?

I will admit: I have discovered a nasty truth about myself. I find you repulsively fascinating. It's like discovering that a human cockroach exists but you're too embarrassed to tell anyone because who wants to admit to swimming in shit?? :D

Keep it up and I'll set up a blog just for you...complete with pictures. (Money does have its lovely uses. And I see why you don't post your picture.) Something along the lines of A Study of Narcissistic Personality Disorder or Cyber-Stalkers. But seriously, my niece is using your emails, blog, and comments for her thesis. Thank you for the data.

dogimo said...

You're always bored, because you're boring.

dogimo said...

Hey wait - am I reading this right? In one post you claim to have hired or bought embarrassing photos of me and supplied e-mails of mine to others for research purposes.

Yet you ask me when MY obsession is going to stop?

Anonymous said...

I'm so boring you've spent hours talking to me, weirdling. You're the one who has admitted to boredom in the past. I find something to DO. Granted, I'm slumming lately. It stormed all day; you were a break from reading.

And I'll give you creature since it's straight from Webster's although generally most people would think animate but sentient? How aware is something vegetative? Responsive, yes. But AWARE? Ethicists debate that though, don't they? Of course, you'd debate anything with me and have.

As to the was a poor attempt to yank your chain, admittedly. You know how I spend my money. Feeling morally superior. You're still wrong, though, being generous is a state of mind not circumstance.


dogimo said...

I'm so sick and tired of this, Jamie. I was never obsessed with you (which I believe you recently admitted, saying you knew I wasn't all along, and changed my offense to "fucking with" you - another attempt to yank my chain probably).

I never fucked with you. The only thing I was guilty of was trying too hard to talk you out of it. Trying too hard to defend myself from your accusations - because your vehemence was truly frightening! I was worried for you, but if I'd known what you really were, I wouldn't have bothered to worry!

I guess I was also guilty of gullibility. I believed you were the person you presented yourself as, instead of the poisonous and evil thing you truly are - trying so hard to hurt and threaten me, vindictive over offenses you invented yourself. Amusing yourself by threatening others.

Anyway, you've cured me of any belief that I can convince you. But you haven't cured me of gullibility - except as regards yourself. I'm pleased to say that I continue to believe only the best about people (and catch shit from friends for doing do!)

But I found an exception in you.

dogimo said...

Jamie: anonymous commenters I usually let through. Some of them say kind of mean things - not all of those people were you. I'm happy to have the variety of viewpoints, ordinarily.

But for the anonymous comment submissions that include weird and cryptic things, I'm going to have to start letting those stew for awhile. I may post it, I may not. I'm not particularly offended by the weird and cryptic, but if think it's you, then I'm not going to post it. Whether the rest of the comment is on-point or not.

Of course, if you submit a comment anonymously that contains nothing within it that anybody else couldn't have posted, okee dokey, thanks for the comment! I'll post those. I'm not trying to spot you, or catch you. Once an anonymous comment is posted, I could care less about the source. I just don't want your weird crap.

I do wish you'd grow up and leave a guy alone who wants nothing more offensive than to be left alone by you.

To you, of course, that's the most unforgivable offense of all.

dogimo said...

You know what else, Jamie? I believe you are also the first person to make me regret my generosity. But again: only to you.

And if I'm honest: only because it seems to have harmed you somehow. But that's silly, though. You must just always have been like this, and I didn't see the signs or interpret them for what they were.

I also regret it because I really put what I believe out there, back when I thought you were trying to be a friend. I spoke truth about truth, about Christ, about human relationships and obligations, about decency and conflict. I don't know at what point you decided everything I said was a 'put-on' but I wish I'd known. Can everything I said to you really have reduced in your mind to "all that this means is that he's obsessed with me! Look how much he typed!"


I don't even want to know anymore.

Anonymous said...


Here is my side if you would listen FOR ONCE:

All the comments on both blogs were good & fine. I appreciated all that we said to each other even when we disagreed. Why you saw fit to eviscerate my blog & remove your comments, I'll never know. SOMEONE ELSE might have benefited from our conversations. That appeared to be simply childish & vindictive. No, actually it WAS childish & vindictive. Kinda like publishing Path To Sin after SWEARING me to secrecy. Need to see that email? You said you "repented" later but you sure never apologized. You never do. Joe, who never does any wrong. Joe, who has the desperate need to always be right.

As to our emails, you knew I became confused. And I did appreciate your friendship through a rough patch for us both. Thank you.

But, Joe, you have and still continue to deny this ONGOING game you seem determined to play. You will never admit to it, that's obvious, but what you admit to doesn't DETERMINE TRUTH. And that makes me sad. I would have liked to have been your friend.

Give me a dang break. You refer to the Norfolk Naval Shipyard while I'm THERE. You MIRRORED my posts for days and baited me until I bit and then you hung my butt out for the world to laugh at. I have CRIED NUMEROUS TEARS thinking I had misjudged you and wronged you and that, YES, I was somehow unbalanced when ALL ALONG it is just a lark for you. One coincidence is understandable, but not time after time after time. When I finally got up the courage to ask for help the person thought I was CRAZY...FOR DOUBTING MYSELF! I'm neither stupid nor crazy; I just wanted desperately to believe the best of someone I considered a friend.

You're RIGHT! We discussed God, and friendship, and VERY PERSONAL subjects. I totally trusted you and opened my heart to you. And you decided, FOR SOME UNKNOWN REASON, to begin to play some deep game. You have done nothing but scream stalker all over the internet. Oh, PLEASE. If I'm the nutcase you paint me as, why are you engaging in ANY way with me?!? Do you think other people REALLY continue to converse with someone they feel threatened by? That is SICK. You're not obsessed with ME. You're obsessed with YOURSELF!! Afraid I would TAPE YOU SINGING??? OH MY GOD! That is PARANOID! I swear to God, I wish I had. It would drive you absolutely CRAZY!

You deleted my comments from Consider and yet you take PERVERSE pleasure in leaving these conversations on for public consumption. WHY?? Why leave anything with my fingerprints on here, Joe? I'm not deleting them. I couldn't care less. Unlike you, I'm not childish, vindictive, or amoral. I'm not perfect. I regret the hateful things I say to you afterwards. I really do. But after a while, striking back feels good. Who likes feeling violated? You have come close to driving me crazy. Congratulations on that score. But, no go, kiddo.

Publish whatever you like, Joe. It's your blog. I still read it for the same reason I always did: you amuse and fascinate me. Now, unfortunately, I just know the person behind the words is sick...brilliant, amusing, gifted, but without any compunction when it comes to anyone but yourself. You write the most autobiographical things and then label them fiction. Who are you trying to kid? YOURSELF???

And while we're at it: if you were living with S for seven years previously, why in the world would your sweetie refer to you posting something after she left to go home? Your lies just pile up higher & deeper. Like I said, you can TURN BLUE IN THE DAMN FACE but until you post the wedding pics I say you're full of SHIT. What are you LOOKING FOR?? Maybe love will come when you quit trying so pathetically hard. ICK, ICK, ICK. You are OBSESSED with TRUE LOVE. Try real life for a change.

BTW, spent all my money on Henry Miller & Anais Nin. Great stuff. Especially A Literate Passion. Thanks.

dogimo said...

I don't know what half of this crap means, Jamie. "Norfolk Naval Shipyard"? I had to look it up! I never wrote about that here. I never read about it on your blog!

You are not going to convince me I've been following/"mirroring" your blog when I already know that I haven't! OK?

The problem is where you set the bar. I talk about any topic and if it seems tangentially related to something you've been thinking about recently, then suddenly I'm "referring to your personal business."

Ugh. Ugh. No, I have not apologized for removing my comments from your blog because I'm not the slightest bit sorry for doing it! You keep playing this one-sided game, fine, knock yourself out - but I refuse to have my name on your blog endorsing you and endorsing your enterprise when you are doing you best to torment me.

I have no game to deny - from the beginning it was YOU who was always obsessed with "rules" - apologizing for breaking them, claiming not to know them - there were none to know! There was no damn game except in your mind!


The last thing this is for me, is a lark. Why don't you go away and stop reading my blog, if I'm such a terrible person huh? PLEASE?

Then you won't have to worry about manufacturing conspiracies. Nothing I write is for you.

As far as whatever confusions you've come up with in your head over my personal life, don't even come to me to set you straight.

As far as leaving these comments up, they're buried in back posts for heck's sake! "Perverse pleasure" - whoop di flippin' doo.

Anonymous said...

Joe Andros! You're tongue is going to turn black and fall out! It is stretching anyone's faith in TRUTH to imagine you posted on nuclear subs in dry-dock coincidentally while I'm THERE. Norfolk is probably the only one in the US with that capability. And the posts you mirrored are there waiting for anyone with EYES to see. I post Waiting. You post Waiting For What. I post storm pics. You post In My command. WHY AM I TRYING TO CONVINCE YOU? You make me crazy.

Joe. I will be glad to switch to email. I do not trust you. This is personal. NOT for public consumption. You have quoted me before OUT OF CONTEXT!

You know what? I am crazy. I still want to have your input, you snake. Just shoot me.

WHY CAN'T WE WORK THIS OUT??? I'm not crazy. You know it. There are a million good things we could give to each other in friendship. Why are you being a stubborn ass? Our conversations were some of the BEST I've ever had. That is why I keep tormenting you. Because I want my friend back. Not this sarcastic thing you've become. YOU KNOW ME! Read Better Than. Read my posts that you say you haven't. My heart has been broken by this ugliness. DO YOU UNDERSTAND THAT? I counted you FRIEND! I poured out my soul to you. I don't what to think. I just want my friend back. That is all I know.

dogimo said...

Jamie Weeks! You're a nutbar! For your information (not that it's any of your business) almost all of my Open Dream Journal posts are years-old transfers from an old topic in an old message-board group. It looked for a while like that group might shut down, and I liked some of my posts quite a bit so copied 'em out to post here, over time (that's the reason the episode #'s are way out of chronological order).

No, even if I had known you'd posted about Norfolk Navy Base or whatever, I would have had no idea that that's where they keep nuke subs (although, makes sense), and I find it incredible to believe anyone would find it credible that this ridiculous dream could have been concocted as an "answer back" to anybody's off-hand reference to any real-life location. At any rate it doesn't sound too much like the real-life location is a "secret military warehouse"!

How come the one tiny detail that supports your whole scaffolding of insanity can matter so much, while all the major details that don't support your theory can be discarded? You manufacture unshakeable truth from tiny details, by discarding everything else that doesn't suit. You wipe everything blank but what you want to believe, and then you fill in the blanks with fantasies.

To quote myself, from a song (NOT ABOUT YOU).

This blog is now and was always a goof - anybody can read into it whatever silliness they want, but whatever they come up with is their creation and I don't have to endorse it.

When we e-mailed, all I did was be honest with you. The worst of our disagreements where when you fell into these weird beliefs of yours about me. I fought as hard as I could to get you to see that it wasn't so. When you kept recanting those weird beliefs, I kept falling for it. Every time. I can't fall for it again.

But I'm fine with it now. I was always honest. I'm honest now. I don't trust you now, and I have no interest in being your friend again because of the way you have treated me. You have shown your colors. I don't believe you ever were what you claim to be. I believe you were always this way underneath.

Jamie: you BETRAYED ME. I trusted you as a friend, and all I asked in return was that same trust and respect, and you betrayed me. And you continue to toy with me and threaten me for fun. For kicks. Because you're bored. To "yank my chain" - to get a rise out of me. I never did that to you. You convinced yourself I did, you wanted to believe this lie, this game, this bizarre, sick fantasy of me, instead.

Since you had no help from me building that thing in the first place - hell, I fought you each step of the way - but I'm sure you'll continue shoring it up, out of stupid nonsense and coincidence. Someone else (not you) posts about rain on their blog, I write a poem and you think it's about some unrelated post you made. I haven't even seen your bird post that my birdwatching post supposedly "answers," but I bet the connection there is just as strong in your mind.

I'm helpless to combat that level of delusion. But this game is your creation not mine.

dogimo said...

I can't even see the crushing relevance of these coincidences. You're really starting to sound like the guy whose blog argues that the Smith's song "There is a Light That Will Never Go Out" prophesied Lady Di's death.

"Waiting for What" is a lyric from the song right there in the video I posted - from "Loyal," a Dave Dobbyn song. Now if your post "Waiting" was actually DAVE DOBBYN'S song "Waiting" - shit, that would actually be one amazing coincidence. But I'm sorry, that's still all it'd be, because I didn't see your post. I never read it, never saw it - unless I glimpsed it that one time through, deleting. I don't recall marveling at any coincidences at that time.

What on earth have storm pictures to do with "In My Command"?? Don't you see you're just filling in whatever you want?

I'm not going to go to your blog and check all these out, if that's what you're after. I didn't see them before, and I'm certainly not interested to see them now that they've been turned into canonical planks of your I'm-Obsessed-With-You platform. I'm inclined to quote Auric Goldfinger: "Once is a happenstance. Twice, a coincidence. Three times is enemy action."

Sorry, sometimes it just ain't so. And these so called "coincidences" are way too thin to support all you're trying to hang on them.

Anonymous said...

Before I read your comment: I just REALIZED you will accuse me of LURING YOU! Oh, DEAR GOD! That makes me nauseous to even contemplate. So, I am not reading your comment right now, I will catch you later. I'm talking to John, you remember him? And Matt. And Lyds. The people who all loved you & trusted you, just like me. We invited you into our family, Joe. And you couldn't have CARED LESS! I will NEVER regret loving people. YOU CAN'T TAKE THAT FROM ME! I will FOREVER preach grace, no matter how freakin' crazy you say I am. You make my heart hurt.

dogimo said...

As far as Matt, Jon and Lyds - they're all perfectly welcome to come by and you know it. They're all welcome, as long as they don't accuse me of being obsessed with them. If they judge me traitorous for not wanting hang out in your living room, that's on them. None of them, and none of your other friends, are ever going to hear my side of this story from me.

As far as swtiching to e-mail, I wasn't going to accuse you of luring me. But I was going to say: thanks for the offer, and no thanks. I want nothing personal from you. I want you to leave me alone!

I'm not interested in what you have to say because I don't believe a word you say. How can I? I know for a FACT that I haven't seen these posts you say I've been mirroring!

I don't want to be your friend. I never would have wanted to be your friend if I'd known you were the kind of person to heap these lies on me and say they're mine, to call ME a liar for telling you the truth about what I am and am not doing, and then to violate my simple request to leave me alone - over and over and over - then to up the ante with all sorts of really disgusting stuff you've been sending me and saying threatening things to torment me -



No thank you! I am not interested in being friends with a person who thinks this is okay behavior.

I never treated anybody like this! Even if I HATED somebody I would not treat them like this. One time you said to me (about yourself) "I don't hurt what I love."

I guess it hasn't occurred to you that you DO give yourself full permission to hurt anyone you say deserves it. Even if the offense is nothing to do with them - nothing they said, nothing they did - something you completely invented.

Forgiveness doesn't mean you have to give your tormentor access to you again.

dogimo said...

Anonymous said...
Still not reading. I don't have time for this. WHY DO I BOTHER??

_______ is in Peru SICK. Which makes me really angry with you because I shared her poetry with you, you weasel. I TRUSTED YOU. Too bad you don't read Better Than. I posted some of her pics which are absolutely AMAZING! If you weren't such a jerk, you might appreciate them. You appreciated her poetry once. DO NOT POST THIS, JOE. NOT WITH _____'S NAME. You have some freaky friends. Freakier than me.

That, I doubt.

Hey, here's an idea: don't submit it to be posted, then!

What the hell have I ever done to make you think I wasn't trustworthy. Oh yeah, apart from this whole, "everything he says is false because the things I imagine him doing, and the secret ways I see him communicating with me - THAT'S what's REAL"

Apart from that part. Is there anything else? Certainly nothing you've complained of. I think your whole complaint against me boils down to my insidious secret obsession - which I obstinately refuse to admit! Which I've never endorsed! Which you were only able to identify and expose using various intuitive means.

But think to yourself, if you could set that part aside for a minute, and examine the rest - I don't think you'd find me the kind of person with whom you'd have any problem trusting your kids poem.


Anonymous said...

NOOOOOO! No, dang it. I don't care how rational you sound. I don't care how idiotic you paint me. EVERY TIME I asked you to stop a certain behavior, which you emphatically DENIED, it still stopped. Joe, there just aren't that many coincidences in the world.

Guess what? I was wrong in my remark to you. I do hurt what I love. We all do. Sometimes it's unintentional; sometimes it's not. Love forgives, doesn't it? YOU ONCE TOLD ME THAT.

As to mirroring. If you didn't mirror my posts, then you and I are freakily connected. I don't care what you say. It is RIGHT THERE.

And as to my Matt, etc., they don't know. I don't vomit my life out on my blog like you seem compelled to do. I don't even blurt in private. Just to you, you DOG. YOU BETRAYED ME! You hung me out intentionally! Creep. Dickasaurus. Drama Queen. ICK!

And make that you're a your, please. I HATE TYPOS!!

Look. Please accept my sincerest apologies for believing the overwhelming evidence against you. People are convicted on less.

How in the WORLD have I threatened or tormented you?!? You are so strange. I have refused to kiss your ass, that's for dang sure. Just because you holler, "JUMP!" doesn't mean I ask, "How high?" Piss on that. You don't get to call the shots. NO WAY! I will stand you down when you're wrong and you know it. At least, I can apologize...something YOU SEEM UNABLE TO DO! When you would cut me to the quick you would toss off a casual. "There, there, sweetie, don't cry." You have reduced me to tears too many times, Joe. If I'm a bitch, you made me that way. YES, you could VERY SWEET. In fact, you NEVER said "no" to me. Well, you would start with "no" then change your mind. Huh.

Truth? You were my friend, I thought. I'm making some serious life changes based on the discussions we had. So, thanks for that. Maybe, you just got caught up in my storm. Who knows anymore?

I wish you were the person I thought you once were. I really do. I miss him like crazy. That most sincerely sucketh.


dogimo said...

Jamie, I don't care if you think we're freakily connected. I don't care. All I know is that I haven't been reading your blog, and I certainly haven't been mirroring your posts. You're the one seeing this, I'm sure you'll keep seeing what you want to see. The person who thinks my dream about British Folk Guitarist/Superspy Richard Thompson was concocted expressly to "mirror" some totally pedestrian real-life place you're going to have NO PROBLEM continuing to see what you want to see.

Sorry. I can't go back and change typos in posted comments. Not even mine.

Do you really want examples of the blatantly sexual material you sent to me? Can you at least understand how uncomfortable your attentions have been...

...just imagine for the moment that I haven't been playing this crazy game you claim. What if I've been sitting here trying to comprehend HOW TO MAKE YOU STOP?

That's how this has been for me! And all through, you scoffing at me. Refusing to stop. And the things you kept sending me. Very unwanted messages of love, and confidence in our "future" together, and things that made you seem quite scarily - shit, like you were so out of reality you could have done anything.

Fun stuff? Fun and games? Not for me!

Why not just BELIEVE the person? Isn't that just a little healthier?

dogimo said...

You know what? I'm a pretty fucking reasonable person, and it's NOT a fucking act, alright?

I don't do shit like this. I do NOT "fuck with" people. It's distasteful. Frankly, to be accused of it.

Just please leave it alone. Just leave me alone.

Anonymous said...

Where is the Sorry, Dad post?? I'm losing it.

Are you familiar with the show Just Shoot Me? Google The Puppet Master Part 2. Huh.

Also, the song "Cause I'm a Liar".

Someone just intervened. Thank God for rational people.

Thank God for John.

dogimo said...

If only that meant you'd leave me alone. That's all I've been saying to you for a long time now: I wish you'd leave me alone.

Believe me, it's the truth.

Anonymous said...

Joe, I gave you the benefit of the doubt long past the point where it was HEALTHY for me. Are you CRAZY? Well, yeah, but anyway...

If you really thought I was what you delight in screaming you would not engage me. And, GET REAL, I'm no threat to you. You are so WEIRD. Does that fantasy fuel your ego or something? Ewww.

But, look!, you already have your next victim lined up...all ripe for the fuc...oops! plucking, right?!? I guess Brett Favre was accidental, too? Just a coincidence?

You aren't capable of recognizing TRUTH, you sociopath.

And, BTW, WHERE is the Sorry, Dad post?

Did it disappear like the time you posted in teeny, tiny letters in the middle of the night "tired...wish someone would lullaby me..."

Poor, lonely, lying, Joe.

dogimo said...

Jeez, Jamie - Brett Favre can hardly be a coincidence! If you posted about him too, I'm sorry, but I'm sure you know it's because the whole thing with him and the Vikings has been a media circus. The whole topic of the post is that he's breaking across all media. Your standards are sinking really low for coincidences.

Now, you say you're no threat to me - meanwhile you make it pretty clear that you're so obsessed with me that you see posts that were up for 10 seconds at most - draft posts that were posted accidentally no where near done, and immediately withdrawn. Just a bit further down the page from where you boast how your money makes it no object for you to have someone take embarrassing pictures of me?? Oh, but that was no threat!

Shit, Jamie. If you want to claim it's unreasonable for me to worry about you, if you want to NOT seem like a creepy weirdo capable of anything, you need to take a look at what you are doing. Tell rational John to come by and read this thread and see if he thinks you seem threatening. To me, you seem tailor-made for the the role of the person who everyone who knew her, shocked, says "I can't believe she'd do something like that....there were no warning signs!"

You're never going to leave me alone. Ag. Well, that's it then.

From here on in, I'll do my best to block Anonymous comments that contain your brand of weird. Again: if you slip in a normal one or two, to where I don't know it's you, I don't care. It isn't you I'm trying to block, it's your fucking weirdness. I could care less about you.

Geez. I really wish you knew the truth. I don't deserve this from you. I was nice to you before you turned on me! You became obsessed, and all I ever did was tell you no! That was my entire offense: to not endorse your fantasy.

It's one thing to blame a guy and call him a liar when he tells you everything you want to hear, but you say his actions don't line up. There, it's clear he's at least trying to get you to believe he wants you. But - you blame me and call me a liar because I refused to tell you what you want to hear! What kind of seduction was that? What kind of grade-A plan is that to snake inside your defenses? I think I cursed you out a couple times when you kept accusing me of trying to seduce you (through my blog, never through actually telling you). It was awful to me, to see you spiral out of control like that!

Jamie: your plan you say I've been executing - these subtle "mirrors" of your posts - is a plan that would depend for its success on the fact that you are already obsessed with me. It would depend on you following obsessively my every post, and feverishly concocting coincidences that aren't there!

How is this a good plan to seduce someone? What kind of a PLAN is that, for the predator you say I am? Do you imagine that would WORK? On anyone but you, I mean? You dumb self-righteous self-blinded person. You seduced yourself over me, with no help from me. I can't help that. I tried to fight it every step, and you disregarded everything I said.

The whole plan has been yours. Executed flawlessly. You really suck.

Anonymous said...

You retard. I didn't post on Brett Favre but you know who did. And I saw your post on my Feed Reader; that is how I read people's blogs. Naturally, it was weird to not see it on your blog later. How asinine and dense can you be? Duh.

So, you are still denying you talk to people through your posts??

Try some French toast you "rude, lying idiot." Oh, God, reading your LIFE is more fun than Consider EVER WAS! Hey, you put it out there someone is bound to see it! I can't help it if your friends are MORONS and don't see what you're doing.

Get a dang life, Joe. Who has to communicate through their blogs? Dear Lord. Ever heard of a telephone?!?

Swear to God, I almost wet my pants laughing over THAT!! Thanks...seems I owe you, again. But it was worth it. You WAY SERIOUSLY keep me amused.

And, yeah, I do popsicles, remember? You were so entranced by the image it obviously inspired you to poetic licentiousness.

dogimo said...

Jamie, *everybody's* been talking about silly old Brett Favre. I was in a discussion about the overblownness of it all on a messageboard, and the most hilarious thing about it was that everyone was complaining the same complaint: that they were sick of hearing about Brett Favre, and chastising the others for bringing it up! That was the only inspiration for that post. And french toast - the only french toast post I'm aware of was posted after mine. When I saw it, I didn't interpret it as some sinister message to me! But for you to do so - for you to blame me for posts other people made after mine - is kind of odd. I thought I was the evil bad mirrorer? And I thought it was *you* I was obsessed with?

Here's a tipoff, Jamie: and I've told you this before, many times: Almost all my blog posts are tangent-takes leaping off from some recent thing that's crossed my mind (or I may start a Draft on it, and it may surface months or years later as a finished post). Be it something I read, or conversed about, or heard on the radio - so what? My goal in a given post is not to "send a message back to the source" - who the fuck can possibly give a shit? I don't care about that. My goal is just to put out my own take on something that crossed my transom - and if you were honest, I'm sure you'd admit that my so-called "mirror" posts are radically unrelated to the posts of yours that they supposedly mirror. I haven't read your posts, but my birdwatching post is idiotic. There's no way your bird post is anything like mine. There's no way your post about Navy Bases was anything like my Richard Thompson espionage epic. Come on. These are "mirrors" to you only because your mind has become a funhouse.

Fuck. But what the hell is even the point of your accusation? As if it would be any great violation for me to see something on somebody else's blog and be inspired??? I have done so. Not with Favre or french toast, but I do get inspired and run off on some radical tangent. It's not to communicate some weird message back - I know my take is going to be pretty much unrecognizable. Your funhouse can't stand, Jamie. You always said it was you and only you my blog was directed against - that was my crime: targeting you. If now you're saying that I'm doing it to the whole world then basically you're admitting that it's a harmless activity! People on other blogs play all sorts of "tag-back" games and theme post games where everyone posts about the same thing. Who cares? I don't super go in for that, but it's just because I'm not particularly interested in being all organized about it. It's not because there's any possible harm there. There's not.

"Get a life," - says the woman who spends her time obsessively cross-referencing my blog with as many other blogs as possible. You ran out of coincidences on your own blog? Wow, sorry. I'm sure if you cross reference me against the entire internet, you'll be able to drum up as many targets of my pernicious menace as you like. You will be able to continually prove the case against me, demonstrate this vile transgression of yours, a transgression that to anyone else would seem pretty normal behavior: you read something, you have something of your own to say that's vaguely related, you post it.

But in any case, rest assured: it ain't you who inspires me. You only inspire a deep uneasiness, and a wish that your mind would calm and mend itself, or at least, find some other target to fixate itself upon.

dogimo said...

Shitfire. How obvious does something have to be, for me to get it?

The thing you accuse me of, Jamie: posting posts that are very very tangentially related to post you've made on your blog. This is not an offense! Even if I had been reading your blog, which I have not!

So what is it? What is it you're so pissed off about? It can hardly be that!

I don't know how I didn't realize this before. It's incredibly obvious. The whole point is: you need so desperately to prove that I'm interested in you. That's it. That's the entire crux. That's what this is all about. You've flung everything you have into this nonsense accusation, an accusation which - EVEN IF TRUE - would be nothing. Nothing offensive! Nothing inappropriate!

But it matters to you because you desperately need to prove I'm interested in you. This is a life-and-death thing for you, or at least, you act like it!

Wow. That's pathetic.

dogimo said...'s the tally, for those scoring at home:

Jamie blatantly admits to doing/has done right here in this comments queue:
* Threatening me with posting private information and embarrassing photos of me which she claims she paid for with her luxurious surplus of funds
* claiming that her relations are in the process of using my data and e-mails as the basis for a thesis on abnormal psychology
* monitoring every post on my blog and obsessively ferreting out whatever coincidences she can find between her blog and mine
* scouring the blogs of any commenter of mine in order to find any other "damning" instances of "mirrored" posts
* repeatedly throwing out half-understood aspects of my private life with accusations of lie or inconsistency, in a really rather transparent attempt to get me to divulge further personal details to her while "clarifying" the ostensible inconsistency
* vividly remarking on her repulsive fascination with me
* accused me of lining up other commenters to "fuck over" (presumably via my usual vicious method of alluding to their blog posts)
Jamie has also done, privately:
* sent me many, many unwanted messages of love, unswerving commitment to "our future", and some blatantly sexual material

All of this while I have been for the past several months begging her to stop contacting me entirely!

MEANWHILE, according to Jamie, here is what Joe's done. Her entire accusation against me now boils down to:
* Joe has allegedly read Jamie's blog
* Joe has allegedly posted on his blog, posts that were very tenuously, very tangentially "inspired by" posts on Jamie's blog.

That's it. That's what Joe has been doing. And it's not as if Jamie has ever told Joe to keep away from her blog. Jamie has made it clear she'd LOVE Joe to read her blog. That's what this is all about: Jamie needs to PROVE Joe is and has been all along, incredibly interested in her and her blog.

And meanwhile Joe's not interested. Joe is not reading Jamie's blog. Joe just wants Jamie to go away and stay the hell away. Joe continually tells her so.

So. That's why Jamie says Joe is obsessed with Jamie.

Which of these persons is the stalker? Let's just let the facts kind of sit there.


I'm not sure. It seems pretty close.

dogimo said...

Jamie, you asked before why we can't work this out. I'll tell you why: because this has not been a difference of fucking opinion. I don't tolerate some whited sepulcher like you telling me I that I'm lying, when I know damn well I'm telling the truth. I don't need your "gracing" me, I don't need your "benefit of the doubt." I don't care if you believe me, because I KNOW that you are full of shit! And the obstinacy with which you've clung to this evil and disgusting and highly insulting game of yours has rendered your opinion permanently worthless to me! I don't care to keep company with anyone who is capable of treating me with so little respect.

I'm not interested in you knuckling under, or kissing my ass, like you claim I want. The very idea disgusts me.

The only thing I want from you is your promise to leave me alone!

And no, I don't expect to get it.

Anonymous said...

Man, that's some good smoke you're blowin' there, Joe. You are GOOD. But beneath the bluster, hyperbole, and sleight of hand is still you, you lying, treacherous, loathsome toad.

If you were half as STUPID as you make yourself out to be I would have grown bored with you long ago, Infant.

BTW, I love your sweet trick...great trick IF YOU'RE TELLING THE TRUTH or actually, in your case, not.

Keep talking; I'm listening and laughing my ass off.

Dallas Crygirls...ICK! Did I tell you my dad played on their field with the cheerleaders? PR stuff. It was a hoot. He was brilliant but football retarded.

Go 'Skins!!

Would you like my Eggnog French Toast recipe? It is THE BOMB. Silver Palate Cookbook stuff. Who the hell eats at Denny's? Good God. **shiver, shiver**

Whited sepulchre??? Oh, you crack me up. I quit TRYING to be GOOD a long time ago. Didn't you comprehend ANYTHING I ever wrote?? Clean the parochial school out of your ears. God doesn't have a problem with sin. What the heck was the cross for if not to destroy it?!? You're flunking Grace 101, dog.

dogimo said...

Jamie, people like you are the ones who make people worried about grace-based christianity. When you describe grace to people and they worry, "but won't that level of freedom - in practice - make people just go ahead and do whatever awful things they want?"

Well, for most people, no it won't. Most people living in grace will heed the call in their heart to let go judgment. They won't set themselves up in a situation where because of something they claim to THINK someone else is doing, they now have free permission to torment and harass that person in retaliation. To strike back. It's ridiculous to think most people would do all that and say it's coming from grace.

Really you just make yourself look bad. Your doctrine is sound, no one can blame what you're doing on grace. And thank God, I'm no judge of your soul or anyone else's! I'm pleased not to be. But God is my judge, and you are not. You aren't the one to tell me what I'm doing - that I know I'm NOT doing - and what I deserve. God at least is omniscient, and can be trusted not to make shit up like you do! God knows I've never read your blog since the time I deleted my comments from your posts. God knows I have never attempted to "mirror" one of your blog posts on here. God knows you're making all this shit up to suit your delusion that I'm obsessed with you.

Yes, you are tormenting me. At least you seem to have left off telling me you love me and believe in our future, and the sex crap - that was the scariest part, the unfounded and unencouraged romantic obsession. I guess I should be grateful that's stopped, but I have no confidence it will STAY stopped. I feel like it's only a matter of time before it starts up again. You don't seem to have made any lasting change to how you view me.

I believe you'll soon enough start seeing "coincidences" again and start coming around here trying to crow about them, and I'll have no idea what the f you're talking about as usual, and you'll claim I'm disingenuous and that will be all the excuse you need to hound and harass me, or worse - to claim the "message" is sent and understood, that I'm "communing" with you.

Yes, you are tormenting me! How would you feel if someone was making you the constant focus of their attentions, someone whose attentions you absolutely did not want, whose attentions creeped you out, and the harder you tried to get them to back off the more they laughed? I guess that wouldn't bother you? I guess that wouldn't upset you?

You do all this and your only excuse to make me "deserve it" is a handful of posts of mine that were completely unrelated to yours. That seemed to you to be way too ironclad "coincidentally" similar in general topic. How many posts are we even talking about? 7? 12? out of 100+ per month? You've only mentioned about 5 I think. Birds, rain, Nuclear subs, Brett Favre. Wait - french toast and Brett Favre aren't even you! Ugh. What a crazy realm of coincidence you live in.

I wish I'd never known you. You're a mean and vindictive woman. Even if I *was* committing the heinous act of READING YOUR BLOG and occasionally making a TANGENTIALLY RELATED POST - in what way would such an offense deserve the bile and vindictiveness on display in this comments queue alone - let alone everything else?

How the FUCK do I deserve this? Look at the list up there! By any accounting, you are fucking with me WAY MORE than what you say I am doing to you!

I'm not even reading your dumb blog.

Well, actually, that's the one spot of consolation in all this.

If you've got anything else to say, say it quick. By the end of the day, this comments queue and the other are closed to you. I'm not letting you ruin any more back threads.

dogimo said...

You know what? I'm done. If there's anything coming, I don't want to hear it.

I'll do my best on future comment submissions to quit reading the very instant I realize (or even suspect) who it is. If any honest but cryptic anonymous commenters get the bump, well "oh well." Show up anonymous, better be to the point.